SMS long codes – Monthly recurring pricing

SMS number purchase pricing is the same for both Genesys Cloud and Genesys Engage customers. SMS long codes are available in both DID or toll-free number formats.

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ $1.2500 A
Canada (CA) - Local * $1.2500 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * $2.5000 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * $2.5000 B
Australia (AU) * $7.5000 F
Austria (AT) * $7.5000 F
Belgium (BE)* $1.2500 C
Chile (CL) * $12.5000 G
Croatia (HR) $7.5000 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * $18.0000 H
Denmark (DK) $18.0000 H
Estonia (EE) * $3.7500 D
France (FR) * ‡ $3.7500 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ $6.2500 E
Hong Kong (HK) * $18.0000 H
Hungary (HU) * $35.0000 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ $7.5000 F
Israel (IL) $18.0000 H
Italy (IT) * $35.0000 I
Lithuania (LT) * $3.7500 D
Malaysia (MY) * $6.2500 E
Netherlands (NL) † $6.2500 E
Poland (PL) * $3.7500 D
Portugal (PT) * $18.0000 H
Puerto Rico (PR) $3.7500 D
Singapore (SG) * $93.7500 J
Spain (ES) * $6.2500 E
Switzerland (CH) * $12.5000 G
United Kingdom (GB) * $1.2500 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ $1.3750 A
Canada (CA) - Local * $1.3750 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * $2.7500 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * $2.7500 B
Australia (AU) * $8.2500 F
Austria (AT) * $8.2500 F
Belgium (BE)* $1.3750 C
Chile (CL) * $13.7500 G
Croatia (HR) $8.2500 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * $19.8000 H
Denmark (DK) $19.8000 H
Estonia (EE) * $4.1250 D
France (FR) * ‡ $4.1250 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ $6.8750 E
Hong Kong (HK) * $19.8000 H
Hungary (HU) * $38.5000 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ $8.2500 F
Israel (IL) $19.8000 H
Italy (IT) * $38.5000 I
Lithuania (LT) * $4.1250 D
Malaysia (MY) * $6.8750 E
Netherlands (NL) † $6.8750 E
Poland (PL) * $4.1250 D
Portugal (PT) * $19.8000 H
Puerto Rico (PR) $4.1250 D
Singapore (SG) * $103.1250 J
Spain (ES) * $6.8750 E
Switzerland (CH) * $13.7500 G
United Kingdom (GB) * $1.3750 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ $1.6300 A
Canada (CA) - Local * $1.6300 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * $3.2500 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * $3.2500 B
Australia (AU) * $9.7500 F
Austria (AT) * $9.7500 F
Belgium (BE)* $1.6300 C
Chile (CL) * $16.2500 G
Croatia (HR) $9.7500 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * $23.4000 H
Denmark (DK) $23.4000 H
Estonia (EE) * $4.8800 D
France (FR) * ‡ $4.8800 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ $8.1300 E
Hong Kong (HK) * $23.4000 H
Hungary (HU) * $45.5000 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ $9.7500 F
Israel (IL) $23.4000 H
Italy (IT) * $45.5000 I
Lithuania (LT) * $4.8800 D
Malaysia (MY) * $8.1300 E
Netherlands (NL) † $8.1300 E
Poland (PL) * $4.8800 D
Portugal (PT) * $23.4000 H
Puerto Rico (PR) $4.8800 D
Singapore (SG) * $121.8800 J
Spain (ES) * $8.1300 E
Switzerland (CH) * $16.2500 G
United Kingdom (GB) * $1.6300 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ $1.7500 A
Canada (CA) - Local * $1.7500 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * $3.5000 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * $3.5000 B
Australia (AU) * $10.5000 F
Austria (AT) * $10.5000 F
Belgium (BE)* $1.7500 C
Chile (CL) * $17.5000 G
Croatia (HR) $10.5000 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * $25.2000 H
Denmark (DK) $25.2000 H
Estonia (EE) * $5.2500 D
France (FR) * ‡ $5.2500 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ $8.7500 E
Hong Kong (HK) * $25.2000 H
Hungary (HU) * $49.0000 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ $10.5000 F
Israel (IL) $25.2000 H
Italy (IT) * $49.0000 I
Lithuania (LT) * $5.2500 D
Malaysia (MY) * $8.7500 E
Netherlands (NL) † $8.7500 E
Poland (PL) * $5.2500 D
Portugal (PT) * $25.2000 H
Puerto Rico (PR) $5.2500 D
Singapore (SG) * $131.2500 J
Spain (ES) * $8.7500 E
Switzerland (CH) * $17.5000 G
United Kingdom (GB) * $1.7500 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ £0.88 A
Canada (CA) - Local * £0.88 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * £1.75 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * £1.75 B
Australia (AU) * £5.25 F
Austria (AT) * £5.25 F
Belgium (BE)* £0.88 C
Chile (CL) * £8.75 G
Croatia (HR) £5.25 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * £12.60 H
Denmark (DK) £12.60 H
Estonia (EE) * £2.63 D
France (FR) * ‡ £2.63 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ £4.38 E
Hong Kong (HK) * £12.60 H
Hungary (HU) * £24.50 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ £5.25 F
Israel (IL) £12.60 H
Italy (IT) * £24.50 I
Lithuania (LT) * £2.63 D
Malaysia (MY) * £4.38 E
Netherlands (NL) † £4.38 E
Poland (PL) * £2.63 D
Portugal (PT) * £12.60 H
Puerto Rico (PR) £2.63 D
Singapore (SG) * £65.63 J
Spain (ES) * £4.38 E
Switzerland (CH) * £8.75 G
United Kingdom (GB) * £0.88 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ € 1.0000 A
Canada (CA) - Local * € 1.0000 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * € 2.0000 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * € 2.0000 B
Australia (AU) * € 6.0000 F
Austria (AT) * € 6.0000 F
Belgium (BE)* € 1.0000 C
Chile (CL) * € 10.0000 G
Croatia (HR) € 6.0000 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * € 14.4000 H
Denmark (DK) € 14.4000 H
Estonia (EE) * € 3.0000 D
France (FR) * ‡ € 3.0000 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ € 5.0000 E
Hong Kong (HK) * € 14.4000 H
Hungary (HU) * € 28.0000 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ € 6.0000 F
Israel (IL) € 14.4000 H
Italy (IT) * € 28.0000 I
Lithuania (LT) * € 3.0000 D
Malaysia (MY) * € 5.0000 E
Netherlands (NL) † € 5.0000 E
Poland (PL) * € 3.0000 D
Portugal (PT) * € 14.4000 H
Puerto Rico (PR) € 3.0000 D
Singapore (SG) * € 75.0000 J
Spain (ES) * € 5.0000 E
Switzerland (CH) * € 10.0000 G
United Kingdom (GB) * € 1.0000 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ R$3.75 A
Canada (CA) - Local * R$3.75 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * R$7.50 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * R$7.50 B
Australia (AU) * R$22.50 F
Austria (AT) * R$22.50 F
Belgium (BE)* R$3.75 C
Chile (CL) * R$37.50 G
Croatia (HR) R$22.50 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * R$54.00 H
Denmark (DK) R$54.00 H
Estonia (EE) * R$11.25 D
France (FR) * ‡ R$11.25 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ R$18.75 E
Hong Kong (HK) * R$54.00 H
Hungary (HU) * R$105.00 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ R$22.50 F
Israel (IL) R$54.00 H
Italy (IT) * R$105.00 I
Lithuania (LT) * R$11.25 D
Malaysia (MY) * R$18.75 E
Netherlands (NL) † R$18.75 E
Poland (PL) * R$11.25 D
Portugal (PT) * R$54.00 H
Puerto Rico (PR) R$11.25 D
Singapore (SG) * R$281.25 J
Spain (ES) * R$18.75 E
Switzerland (CH) * R$37.50 G
United Kingdom (GB) * R$3.75 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ ¥150 A
Canada (CA) - Local * ¥150 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * ¥300 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * ¥300 B
Australia (AU) * ¥900 F
Austria (AT) * ¥900 F
Belgium (BE)* ¥150 C
Chile (CL) * ¥1500 G
Croatia (HR) ¥900 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * ¥2160 H
Denmark (DK) ¥2160 H
Estonia (EE) * ¥450 D
France (FR) * ‡ ¥450 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ ¥750 E
Hong Kong (HK) * ¥2160 H
Hungary (HU) * ¥4200 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ ¥900 F
Israel (IL) ¥2160 H
Italy (IT) * ¥4200 I
Lithuania (LT) * ¥450 D
Malaysia (MY) * ¥750 E
Netherlands (NL) † ¥750 E
Poland (PL) * ¥450 D
Portugal (PT) * ¥2160 H
Puerto Rico (PR) ¥450 D
Singapore (SG) * ¥11250 J
Spain (ES) * ¥750 E
Switzerland (CH) * ¥1500 G
United Kingdom (GB) * ¥150 C

Country Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Rate Class
United States (US) - Local * ¶ R17.7500 A
Canada (CA) - Local * R17.7500 A
United States (US) - Toll Free * R35.5000 B
Canada (CA) - Toll Free * R35.5000 B
Australia (AU) * R106.5000 F
Austria (AT) * R106.5000 F
Belgium (BE)* R17.7500 C
Chile (CL) * R177.5000 G
Croatia (HR) R106.5000 F
Czech Republic (CZ) * R255.6000 H
Denmark (DK) R255.6000 H
Estonia (EE) * R53.2500 D
France (FR) * ‡ R53.2500 D
Germany (DE) * ‡ R88.7500 E
Hong Kong (HK) * R255.6000 H
Hungary (HU) * R497.0000 I
Ireland (IE) * ≅ R106.5000 F
Israel (IL) R255.6000 H
Italy (IT) * R497.0000 I
Lithuania (LT) * R53.2500 D
Malaysia (MY) * R88.7500 E
Netherlands (NL) † R88.7500 E
Poland (PL) * R53.2500 D
Portugal (PT) * R255.6000 H
Puerto Rico (PR) R53.2500 D
Singapore (SG) * R1,331.2500 J
Spain (ES) * R88.7500 E
Switzerland (CH) * R177.5000 G
United Kingdom (GB) * R17.7500 C

* Purchasing SMS numbers in these countries is a manual procedure and requires that you provide supporting identity documentation. For more information, see Required regulatory documentation for SMS number purchase.

‡ Due to ongoing regulatory change in this market, we may have to remove support for SMS numbers from this country at times. In the event we have to remove SMS number support for this country, we will notify you and advise that you find an alternative country and number to use. You should use these SMS numbers with caution in a production capacity.

† Netherlands telecommunications regulations specify that mobile phone numbers with the +316 prefix cannot be used to send programmatic SMS messages. To use Genesys Cloud for SMS in the Netherlands, you must purchase a special class of mobile phone numbers with the +3197 prefix.

¶ US Wireless Carriers require Brand and Campaign Registration as well as monthly recurring Campaign fees for use of US 10-Digital Long Codes for SMS traffic. For information on this pricing, see 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) fees and charges - US only.

≅ Due to limited supply, we are unable to acquire new Longcodes in this market from time to time.