Planning groups overview

The following permissions:

  • Workforce Management > Planning Group > AddDelete, Edit, and View

Use workforce management features to create, configure and manage planning groups. Use planning groups to associate a queue, media type, language and skill set combinations to a service goal template and to a business unit, which you use for forecasting and scheduling. To use forecast and schedule workload in a business unit, you must configure planning groups.

Typically, you configure planning groups with only one route path, including one queue, media, language and skill set combination per planning group. Planning groups allow users to include more than one queue, language and skill set in the planning group; however, if you combine queues, languages, and skill sets make sure to review the agents who can handle the planning group. If a planning group is made up of more than one set of queues, language and skill sets, forecasts only display the combined values for the planning group, and the schedule generation process look for agents who can handle the entire planning group, not individual pieces of it.   

When you configure planning groups and determine whether or not to aggregate more than one queue, language, and skill set together, make sure to consider whether agents are configured to handle all combinations that you include in the planning group. Best practice recommends that you create combinations only when agents can handle the full combination that you include in the planning group.

If you aggregate queues, languages and skill sets into a planning group, but have agents that cannot handle the full planning group, then those agents will not be scheduled based on planning group workload. Agents who can only handle a subset of the planning group will not be scheduled based on workload, but will be given a schedule. To view the list of agents who can handle a planning group, see the planning group’s Agent tab.

For more information about planning groups, see the following articles.

Task Description
Planning groups key principles Review recommended principles when creating and configuring planning groups.
Add a planning group Add a new planning group and specify the time zone and starting day of the week.
Find available interaction route paths Add new or existing route paths to the planning group.
View agents in a planning group View the list of agents associated with an existing planning group.
Manage planning groups Make changes to an existing planning group, including editing the planning group name, changing service goal template selections and media types, and modifying or changing route path associations.