Series: Contact center planning

Plan for quality management and customer satisfaction

Quality management is the process a contact center uses to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and consistency of the service delivered to customers. The goal is to deliver the best service possible at the lowest possible cost. To do this, contact centers listen to calls, review chats and emails, and assess the quality of those interactions by following a quality assurance process that allows the capture and implementation of actionable information.

Customer satisfaction is your customers’ perception of the service you deliver. For most contact centers, customer satisfaction is the ultimate insight into how your contact center is performing. When customers are satisfied with the service they receive, this drives positive feedback by word of mouth and increased revenue by customer retention. Customer satisfaction is routinely gathered using customer feedback surveys, customer feedback on social media, or customer interaction behaviors (repeat calls, recorded interactions).

High performing contact centers continually look for every possible insight into their performance and carefully analyze quality and customer feedback results to determine how to improve performance.


Discuss the following questions with your team:

  • Does the contact center have a valid and reliable method for gauging contact center quality across all contact channels and interaction types?
  • Does the contact center have a valid and reliable method for collecting actionable customer feedback to ensure that company processes, policies, and products meet customer expectations?
  • Does the contact center combine quality and customer feedback results for a total view of internal and external perceptions of quality?
  • Do you extract quantifiable and actionable intelligence from quality assurance efforts? Is there a process to continuously improve contact center performance and results using this information?
  • Are supervisors and quality team members focused on improving employee performance through coaching and feedback, or is their time consumed with administrative tasks? Do supervisors have sufficient time to coach team members? Are coaching activities tracked to ensure goals are met?


Take the following actions before moving forward in the planning phase:

Preparation Assigned to Complete date
Review existing quality and customer satisfaction metrics to ensure that they are driving the desired agent performance.
Review reports and methods of measuring quality and validate data and process integrity.
Validate that your interaction monitoring calibration methods are effective and that processes are followed.
“Secret shop” your competition and “like” organizations to compare the customer experience across all channels and transaction types. 


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