Operating schedule groups

  • Routing > Schedule Group > Add, Edit, View, Delete permissions

Defining and managing operating schedules can be cumbersome. To help with this process, use operating schedules with operating schedule groups to allow more flexibility in how your organization manages routing hours. Operating schedules are the blocks of time for which a call route is selected. Operating schedule groups allow you to combine multiple operating schedules and associate them to a singular routing definition. You can assign the operating schedules into a designated time zone and group them by type. Types are limited to Open Hours, Closed Hours, or Holiday. 

Note: Genesys Cloud evaluates operating schedules in the following order:
  • Holiday
  • Closed
  • Open

If you activate Emergency routing, Genesys Cloud first evaluates emergencies or performs emergency routing, before it evaluates the Holiday operating schedule.

To manage operating schedules for the organization, click Admin. Under Routing, click Operating Schedules. Next, click the Schedule Groups tab. Here, you can view the list of currently active operating schedule groups and the operating schedules to which they belong.

Name Description
Add Schedule Group Click this button to open the Schedule Group page and group individual operating schedules as Open, Closed, and Holiday hours.
Delete After you select one or more operating schedules to remove, click this button. Genesys Cloud asks you to confirm your decision before deletion.
Search Begin typing the first few letters of the operating schedule that you want to find. Genesys Cloud filters the list and narrows your selection.
Name The links in this column represent each operating schedule group. Click a link to open the Edit Schedule Group page and make changes to the entry.
Schedules The links in this column represent the operating schedules assigned to the open, closed, and holiday operating schedules in this group. Click an operating schedule’s link to open the Edit Schedule Group page and make changes to the entry.
Time Zone This column lists the time zone associated with the respective operating schedule group.

For more information about Operating schedule groups, see the tasks outlined in the following articles.

Task Description
Create an operating schedule group Create and configure routing entries, including associated flows, telephone numbers, operating schedules, and operating schedule groups.
Update an operating schedule group Change an operating schedule group’s name, operating schedules associated with open and closed operating schedules, and time zone assignments.
View operating schedules or operating schedule groups associated with an operating schedule View and access the operating schedule groups that include a particular operating schedule.
Delete an operating schedule group Permanently remove one or more operating schedule groups.