Genesys Cloud Voice number status indicators

When you purchase or port numbers for Genesys Cloud Voice, those numbers appear on Genesys Cloud Voice / Number Management page. Each number has a status indicator that lets you know status of the purchase or port operation.  

Note: If the status of your number indicates an error or failure, contact Genesys Cloud Voice support.

Status Description
Activating Number purchase is being activated.
Activation Error Activation of number has failed.
Cancelled Number purchase/port order has been canceled.
Connecting Number purchase is complete and number is being connected.
Deactivating Deactivation of number is being processed.
Deactivation Error Error occurred while trying to deactivate number.
Disconnect Failed Number could not be disconnected.
Disconnect Pending Number disconnection is being processed.
Disconnected Number port order has been canceled.
Error Purchase process is not functioning correctly.
Failed Number purchase process has failed.
FOC (Firm Order Commit)

Number port order has been confirmed by the losing carrier.

Note: Not all number ports will use this state. Number ports can also be confirmed manually by the Genesys Cloud Voice support team and remain in Port Pending state.
In Service Number purchase is complete and number has been registered with Genesys Cloud Voice.
Pending Purchase or port is in process
Port Pending

Number port order has been submitted.

Note: Some number ports will remain in this state after being confirmed. These will be confirmed via communication from the Genesys Cloud Voice Support team.

Number order was rejected. This is usually due to failure to meet activation requirements for the number’s country.

If you need further assistance, contact Genesys Cloud Voice support.