Genesys Cloud Voice support

When you need assistance with Genesys Cloud Voice (GCV) telecom operations or number porting, contact the appropriate GCV team to quickly take care of your concerns.

If you are experiencing general service issues with Genesys Cloud Voice or the Genesys Cloud application, or need assistance with messaging (SMS/MMS), contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care. For more information, see Genesys Cloud Customer Care.

Note: Only contact the appropriate GCV team for your request based on the team descriptions. Do not send requests to multiple teams.

GCV North America porting team

The GCV North America porting team takes care of porting operations specific to numbers in North America Number Plan (NANP) countries, including the US and Canada. This team helps with email port request submission, porting questions, and other issues with ports.

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GCV EMEA porting team

The GCV EMEA porting team takes care of porting operations specific to numbers in EMEA countries. This team helps with email port request submission, porting questions, and other issues with ports.

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GCV North America operations team

The GCV North America operations team takes care of telecom operations specific to numbers in North America Number Plan (NANP) countries, including the US and Canada. This team helps with CNAM/LIDB requests, Kari’s Law requests, number purchase requests, and general telecom requests.

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GCV EMEA operations team

The GCV EMEA operations team takes care of telecom operations specific to numbers in EMEA countries. This team helps with CNAM/LIDB requests, number purchase requests, and general telecom requests.

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GCV LATAM operations team

The GCV LATAM operations team takes care of telecom operations specific to numbers in LATAM countries. This team helps with porting requests, number purchase requests, and general telecom requests.

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GCV operations team

The GCV operations team takes care of general telecom operations not specific to numbers from any region.

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