Forward a voicemail

  • VoicemailVoicemail > Receive permission

To forward a voicemail to some else, do the following:

  1. Open the voicemail in your voicemail box.
  2. Optionally, to include a note with the voicemail, click Edit. Then type your note and click Save.
  3. Click Forward .
  4. In the field, begin to type the name of the group or individual to whom you want to forward the voicemail.
  5. Click the name of the group or individual.
    Genesys Cloud immediately sends the voicemail. A copy of the voicemail remains in your inbox. The Forward icon appears below the phone number. To see to whom you forwarded the voicemail, hover over that icon.
    Note: When you click a name, Genesys Cloud sends the voicemail.
Note: If you receive a voicemail, an icon appears next to the voicemail. To see who forwarded the voicemail to you, hover over the icon.