Enable voicemail notifications

  • Directory > Organization > Admin permission

Set Genesys Cloud to send an email notification when a user receives a voicemail.

Note: For more information about ACD email interactions, see Work with ACD voicemail interactions.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Organization Settings.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Under Security & Compliance, turn the Communicate Voicemail Notifications toggle switch on or off:
    • ON — Enables email notifications for voicemail across the organization. Genesys Cloud sends users an email when they receive a voicemail. 
    • OFF — Disables email notifications for voicemail across the organization. Users can still view and listen to their voicemails in their voicemail box in Genesys Cloud.  
  5. (Optional) Enable or disable the Allow PII in Email Notifications and Voicemail Transcription settings. 
  6. Click Save.