Create a set of rules


The following permissions:

  • Outbound > Ruleset > Add
  • Outbound > Ruleset > Delete
  • Outbound > Ruleset > Edit
  • Outbound > Ruleset View
  • Outbound > Contactlist Search
  • Routing > Queue Search
  • Routing > Wrapupcode Search

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Outbound, click Rule Management.
  3. Click the Call Rule Sets tab.
  4. Click Create New.

    figure shows button for adding a rule set

  5. In the Call Rule Set Name box, type a descriptive name. Names can contain spaces, numbers, and special characters.

  6. (Optional) Select a contact list and queue.

    If you intend to add only rules that evaluate the value of the telephone number, then you do not need to select a contact list. But in practice, it is common to create rules that evaluate the value of a contact list column, or that examine the type of phone number.

    Selecting a contact list allows the application to display column names and phone number types later, when you create rules. Afterward, your rules are compatible with any contact list that contains the same columns.

    Likewise, if you intend to create wrap-up rules, select a queue so that the application can display a list of wrap-up codes associated with that queue.

    figure shows sample contact list and queue selections

    If you do not make optional selections now, you can do so later.

  7. Save a new rule set before you add rules to it:

    • To save the rule set without defining rules now, click Save. The system adds the new rule set to the Call Rule Sets view. Later, you can edit the rule set and add rules to it.

    • Otherwise, click Save and Add Rules. The Add Call Rule page appears so that you can set the conditions and actions for a new rule. See Add a rule for procedural instructions.

      Note: The Save and Add Rules button is disabled for users who have View and Add Rule Set permissions, but no permission to edit.

      Note: An error message appears if the new call rule set exceeds the maximum limit count of 1000. Delete old or obsolete call rule sets as needed and click Save again to complete the new call rule set configuration.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Outbound, click Rule Management.
  3. Click the Digital Rule Sets tab.
  4. Click Create New.

    figure shows button for adding a rule set

  5. In the Digital Rule Set Name box, type a descriptive name. Names can contain spaces, numbers, and special characters.

  6. (Optional) Select a contact list.

    If you intend to add only rules that evaluate the value of the phone number, then you do not need to select a contact list. But in practice, it is common to create rules that evaluate the value of a contact list column, or that examine the type of phone number.

    Selecting a contact list allows the application to display column names and phone number types later, when you create rules. Afterward, your rules are compatible with any contact list that contains the same columns.

    If you do not make optional selections now, you can do so later.

  7. Save a new rule set before you add rules to it:

    • To save the rule set without defining rules now, click Save. The system adds the new rule set to the Digital Rule Sets view. Later, you can edit the rule set and add rules to it.

    • Otherwise, click Save and Add Rules. The Add Digital Rule page appears so that you can set the conditions and actions for a new rule. See Add a rule for procedural instructions.

      Note: The Save and Add Rules button is disabled for users who have View and Add Rule Set permissions, but no permission to edit.

      Note: An error message appears if the new digital rule set exceeds the maximum limit count of 1000. Delete old or obsolete digital rule sets as needed and click Save again to complete the new digital rule set configuration.