Create base settings for a generic SIP phone

  • Telephony > Plugin > All permission

You can use generic SIP phones in any of Genesys Cloud’s telephony connection options: Genesys Cloud Voice, BYOC Cloud, or BYOC Premises.

You can configure any SIP-compliant phone with Genesys Cloud as an unmanaged phone via the generic SIP phone base settings profile. This profile contains a group of generic settings found on the Base Phone and Base Line Appearance tabs. These settings allow you to define how a SIP-compliant phone operates in Genesys Cloud. 

After you create a generic SIP phone base settings profile, you can create a generic SIP phone.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Phone Management.
  3. Click the Base Settings tab.
  4. Click Add

Base Phone tab

Configure the settings on the Base Phone tab. 

  1. Type a name in the Base Settings Name box.
  2. From the Phone Make and Model list, select Generic SIP
  3. Leave Standalone Features set to Off unless you want to create a base settings configuration for conference room phones. For more information, see Enable standalone features.
  4. Choose one of the following steps:
    • To use the default base phone settings, click Save Base Settings and proceed to Configure the base line appearance in this article.
    • To customize the base phone settings, proceed to the Customize the base phone section of this article.

Customize the base phone

The base settings include three expandable sections: General, Interface, and Custom. These sections allow you to change the base settings for a generic SIP phone. 

To customize the base settings, follow these steps:

  1. Select the appropriate settings from each expandable section.



Use Secondary Registration

Configure the phone to use secondary registration.

The default setting is Enabled.

By default, Genesys Cloud provides the Phone Home service for provisioning information and providing details for the primary generic sip registration. However, for phone redundancy, Genesys recommends that you use a secondary registration source.

After you complete your phone configuration, use the How to Register feature, described in the Create a generic SIP phone article, to retrieve the primary and secondary registration addresses and the port and transport protocol details that you must configure on your generic SIP phone manually.

For more information about how to configure this information manually on your generic SIP phone, see your phone documentation.



Message Waiting Indicator

Use this setting to configure the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI), the light that blinks to indicate that the user has a new voicemail.

To enable the feature, select the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) check box.

For more information, see Configure the Message Waiting Indicator setting.

The Custom option allows Genesys Cloud Customer Care personnel to alter a phone configuration for troubleshooting or special circumstances. Only enter custom property settings when directed by Genesys Cloud Customer Care.
Setting Description
Property Name The name to assign to the custom property.
Data Type  The data type for the custom property.
Value The value to assign the custom property.

  1. To use the custom base settings, click Save Base Settings and proceed to Configure the base line appearance in this article

Configure the base line appearance

  1. Click the Base Line Appearance tab.
  2. Choose one of the following steps:
    • To use the default base line appearance settings, click Save Base Settings. You can now Create a generic SIP phone.
    • To customize the base line appearance settings, proceed to Customize the base line appearance in this article.

Customize the base line appearance

There are three expandable sections: General, Signaling, and Interface. Each expandable section contains settings that customize the Generic SIP phone. 

To customize the base line appearance settings, follow these steps:

  1. Select the appropriate settings from each expandable section.
Setting Description
Persistent Connection Settings

When you enable the persistent connection feature and set a timeout value, you improve Genesys Cloud’s ability to process subsequent calls. Calls that arrive while the connection is active are immediately alerted via the UI or are auto-answered if the Auto Answer feature is configured for the user.

When the persistent connection feature is disabled, Genesys Cloud must create a connection for every call.

Maintain a persistent connection

To turn on the persistent connection feature, select the check box.

The default setting is not to use the persistent connection feature.

Timeout Sets the amount of time, in seconds, that the open connection can remain idle before Genesys Cloud automatically closes it.

Setting Description
Digest Authentication When outbound requests are challenged with digest authentication, Genesys Cloud uses these credentials.
User Name

By default the user name is admin, but you can change it.

Enter the user name that you want to assign to the phone. 

This user name is pushed down to the phone and becomes the user name for the administrative account on the physical phone.


By default the password is 1234, but you can change it.

Enter the password that you want to assign to the phone.

This password is pushed down to the phone and becomes the password for the administrative account on the physical phone. Genesys recommends using the Generate random password feature.

By default, the password is masked, but if you use a random password, select the Show Password check box to see the password in plain-text.


Setting Description
Auto-Conference Settings When this setting is enabled and if a call is already connected or held at the station, a conference call is created between the new incoming call and the existing call. An announcement of the new call is played to the existing call before Genesys Cloud establishes the conference call.
Enable Auto-Conference

Off (Default): Do not use auto-conference settings.

On: Use the following fields to specify the auto-conference settings.

Auto-Conference PIN Choose a Personal Identification Number (PIN) number to use to join the conference.
Language Select a language to use for the conference voice menu.

  1. To use the custom base line appearance settings, click Save Base Settings.
  2. After you have created the base settings for a generic SIP phone, you can Create a generic SIP phone.