Series: Contact center enablement

Identify user training requirements

Training is a critical success factor when an organization deploys new technology. It can have a significant impact on how employees use the new tools and whether they use them at all.

Genesys offers online courses for Genesys Cloud on the Genesys Cloud training site. It’s important to choose the right level of training that matches your budget, resources, internal expertise, and culture.

The goal of training isn’t to teach users how to use the new technology features: It’s to teach them how to perform the required work processes using technology. This distinction plays a critical role in the transition from learning in training to doing the job. A successful training is one in which the participants understand the context of new technology and how it is incorporated into their jobs.

Training requirements vary depending on the number and location of users, Genesys Cloud configuration choices, and the organization’s culture. For this reason, there isn’t a one-size fits all approach to training. During the sales process, ensure that your team understands the training options available. It is important that you direct your team to play an active role in working with the Genesys project team to plan and deliver training that meets your users’ needs.


Discuss the following questions with your team:

  • What are the available training resources? Do you have a dedicated trainer to take ownership of planning and delivering training? Will you borrow internal corporate training resources? Can you rely on internal staff to serve in training roles?
  • What is your training culture? Are employees accustomed to e-learning or hands-on classroom training? Are they comfortable learning on the job or do they expect to be fully proficient on all aspects of new tools before making the transition?
  • Have you planned for ongoing training? After you go live on the new service, how will you train new hires?
  • How will a new supervisor learn how to interpret real-time views and run reports? How will a new quality team member learn how to search for and evaluate interactions? How does a workforce management analyst learn how to forecast and schedule?
  • What will the new technology impact? How will it integrate with existing processes and workflows?
  • How much of a shift is the new technology? What is the best way to approach that shift?


Take the following actions before moving forward:

Preparation Assigned to Complete date
Start training discussions early. Update your training approach and plans as you learn more about Genesys Cloud and how employees use it. Don’t have a dedicated trainer? We recommend you identify an internal resource (supervisor or manager) to track training requirements, manage resources (trainers, materials, system requirements, facilities), and communicate with internal employees about goals.

Create a matrix of what you need to train (the features and associated processes), who to train, and when to train. Conduct training at least one week before you expect employees to use their new skills.

Make sure that the plan includes:

  • Identify the features you want to train and the tasks associated with the feature.
    • Answer a call
    • Transfer a call
    • Search for a recording
    • Play back a recording
  • Identify who to train on which features/tasks.
    • Supervisors, Quality Analysts, and the Quality Manager need training on Real-time Supervisor and Quality management features.
    • The Quality Team Manager needs training on admin activities, such as defining recording and retention policies.
  • Identify the training delivery method for each feature: side-by-side/small group, classroom training, online courses, self-paced documentation study.
  • Identify the length of time required for each training event.
  • Identify the total number of participants to train, and break down larger groups into multiple training events. We recommend agent training classes have 15 or fewer participants.
  • Identify lead time for training to complete required preparation (train the trainer), develop materials, reserve classroom space, and computers.
  • Identify training resources to develop and deliver each training event where required. Not every training event needs an internal training resource to support it.
Understand the scope and the deliverables associated with your purchased training so you can factor them into the overall training plan. Ask to review the training agendas and sample material sets anytime during the sales or enablement process to determine if they adequately support your users’ training needs.
Make sure that your training plan anticipates barriers. What if the go-live date experiences a delay? Will that delay training? Do you risk bumping into other contact center events (busy periods, holidays, other training requirements)?
Debrief at the end of each module/day of training to determine what’s going well and incorporate user input into subsequent training events.


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