Workforce management supported configuration

Feature coming soon: Activity Plans

 The following sections outline supported configuration and limits for workforce management dimensions.

Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
Business unit 250 Yes
  • An activity code name must contain at least one character and cannot be longer than 50 characters. 
  • You cannot add a default category.

    Default activity codes

    Built-in categories contain a default activity code of the same name. You cannot delete a built-in category, and you can edit, but not delete, the default activity code.

    Default activity code Length in minutes Counts as paid time Counts as work time
    Break 15 Yes No
    Meal 30 No No
    Meeting 30 Yes Yes
    Off Queue  60 Yes Yes
    On Queue  120 Yes Yes
    Time Off 120 No No
    Training 30 Yes Yes
    Unavailable 60 No No
    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Activity Plans 100 Yes
    • An activity plan can have 100 active activity plans.
    500 Yes
    • An activity plan can can have 500 inactive activity plans.
    6000 Yes
    • An activity plan can can have 6000 agents per activity plans.
    1000 Yes
    • An activity plan can can have 1000 occurrences per activity plans.
    6000 Yes
    • An activity plan can can have 6000 sessions per occurrence per activity plans.

    • A single business unit can contain up to 5000 agents.
    • A single management unit can contain up to 1500 agents.
    • You can organize agents within the contact center into management units based on common planning period settings, adherence rules, time-off rules, and shift-trading rules. Agents that handle the same set of interactions should belong to the same business unit and can be spread across multiple management units if different management rules or permissions are required. For more information about specific agent limits per organization, business unit, or management units, see Limits. ]

    • The business unit name must contain at least one character and cannot be longer than 50 characters.
    • Business units cannot have duplicate names.
    • After you create the business unit, you can change the name but not the start day of the week. For more information about specific business unit limits per organization, see Workforce management organization limits
    Note: If you must modify a business unit start day, create a new business unit, add the desired management units, and configure it to match the previous business unit.

    Note: Structure business units with a clear separation of resources and load to ensure that no shared load exists across business units. If you cannot guarantee a separation of resources and workload, manually adjust forecasts each week to account for a percentage of allocated volume handled by a different business unit.
    • The forecasts list displays up to a maximum of 26 weeks prior and 26 weeks forward from the earlier of the current week or the last week in which a forecast exists. Use the search feature to find forecasts, including those outside the +/- 26-week window.
      Note: When creating a forecast, the start date must be within 26 weeks of the current date.
    • Currently, workforce management forecasting and scheduling only supports inbound voice, chat, callbacks, email, and message media types in queues configured for standard ACD routing or predictive routing configured for skill matching. For more information, see Skill matching. Forecasting and scheduling does not support queues configured for bullseye routing.
    • Scheduled callbacks, non-scheduled callbacks, and ACD voicemail media types appear as callbacks in forecasts and schedules.

    The following limits are maximum sizes of items that have been designed and tested. While these limitations are not enforced, exceeding them results in performance degradation, timeouts, or other errors:

    • Route groups (distinct set of queue + media type + language + skills): 250 per source or forecast day.
    • Total offered interactions: 1,000 per 15-minute interval and 768,000 for a forecast week.
      Note: This calculation is based on a 24 x 8 week to allow for an eighth day and includes scheduling for overnight workers.

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Forecast 200 Yes For more information, see Forecast modifications

    • The management unit name must contain at least one character and cannot be longer than 50 characters.
    • Management units cannot have duplicate names.
    • You can change the management unit name after you create the management unit. For more information about specific management unit limits per business unit or organization, see Workforce management management unit limits.

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Business unit  1,000 Yes

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Business unit 1,000 Yes Can add 1,000 staffing groups per business unit. 
    Agents 2,000 Yes Can add 2,000 agents per staffing group.

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Business unit 1,000 Yes

    • You can create schedules for one to six week intervals.
    • The schedule name must contain at least one character and cannot be longer than 50 characters. 
    • The schedule description cannot be longer than 100 characters.
    • A maximum of 26 previous schedules and 26 future schedules appear on the Schedules page. You can use search filters to view weeks outside this range. 
    • You cannot undo a schedule deletion.
      Note: When creating a schedule, the start date must be within 26 weeks of the current date.

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Business unit 100 Yes

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Work plan 10 Yes

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Forecast 8 Yes For weighted historical index method.

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Management unit 500 Yes The system enforces a limit of 75,000 shift possibilities that any given shift could produce. The system calculates the number of shift possibilities by multiplying the number of possible shift start times by the number of possible activity start times for a specified shift. Because the system does not use the scheduling service to determine invalid start times, for example, overlaps or contiguous time constraints, it includes them in the count.
    • 5 possible shift start times (7:45, 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, and 8:45)
    • 5 early break start time possibilities (+2:00, +2:15, +2:30, +2:45, and +3:00)
    • 5 meal start time possibilities (+4:00, +4:15, +4:30, +4:45, and +5:00)
    • 5 late break start time possibilities of (+5:00, +5:15, +5:30, +5:45, and +6:00)

    The system calculates these instances as 5 x 5 x 5 x 5, or 625 possible shifts created from one shift in the work plan.

    Assume you also have a self-training activity that could start every 15 minutes across the day, resulting in a possibility of 32 start times. This addition increases the number of possible shifts created from the shift to 20,000 (625 x 32).

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Management unit 100 Yes

    Scope Limit Enforced? Notes
    Work plan rotation 20 Yes The system enforces a limit of 20 separate rotating positions in each work plan rotation.