Forecast modifications

The following table describes the forecast modifications and modifications limit available in workforce management:

Modifications Description
Change percent per interval per planning group

Increase or decrease the forecast value per interval by a certain percent.

Change value over range per planning group

Increase or decrease the forecast value by a specific number.

Change value per interval per planning group

Increase or decrease the forecast value per interval by a specific number.

Minimum value per interval per planning group

Set a minimum value for the projected range per interval, per route group. A route group is a combination of workgroup, media type, and skill set.

Maximum value per interval per planning group

Set a maximum value for the projected range per interval, per route group. A route group is a combination of workgroup, media type, and skill set.

Set value over range per planning group

Change the total value of all selected data.

Set value per interval per planning group

Overrides the projected value per interval to a predefined value.

Modifications limits

Apply up to 200 modifications per forecast. In rare instances, this limit can automatically reduce based on the:

  • Number of planning groups in the estimates
  • Impact of modifications made to the forecast
Change daily value and distributions

Change daily/time interval values within a short-term forecast and daily values within a long-term forecast. For more information on change daily value and distributions, see Work with Change Daily Values and Distributions modification.