Send a fax

  • Conversation > Call > Add permission 
  • Conversation > Fax > Send permission
  •  A selected phone

Send files saved on your computer or stored in Documents as a fax.

Note: Genesys Cloud supports fax documents of up to 100 pages and 10 MB. If you must send a longer document, Genesys recommends that you divide the document into smaller parts.

  1. From the sidebar, click Calls .
  2. Click Send FaxSend fax icon The Send a Fax window opens.
  3. Enter the fax number. 
    • To open the Send a Fax window, you can also click an external organization’s fax number. Genesys Cloud copies the number into the appropriate field.
    • To share files with other users without sending a fax, use the share a file feature in Documents.
  4. Choose whether to include a cover page with your fax. If you include a cover page, you can make a note to include on the cover page. The cover page includes the date and time, the recipient’s number, your number, and any notes you made. 
  5. Click Browse Your Computer…
    Alternatively, click Browse Genesys Cloud Documents….
    Note: Genesys Cloud supports faxing the following file types: .tiff, .pdf, .doc, .docx, and .odt. 
  6.  Select the file that you want to fax. 
    Note: Genesys Cloud currently only supports faxing one file at a time.
  7. To send the fax, click Fax.fax button iconThe status of your fax appears in Active Calls.The Calls panel with fax status emphasized Genesys Cloud also sends you an email with the status of your fax.
  8. View sent faxes in your personal workspace.

  1. Find a file in Documents
    Note: Genesys Cloud supports faxing the following file types: .tiff, .pdf, .doc, .docx, and .odt. 
  2. For the file you want to fax, select Share
  3. From the Share drop-down menu, select Fax. Documents inserts the file into a fax in the Calls panel.
  4. Enter the fax number.
  5. Choose whether to include a cover page with your fax. If you include a cover page, you can make a note to include on the cover page. The cover page includes the date and time, the recipient's number, your number, and any notes you made. 
  6. To send the fax, select the Fax button. fax button icon
    The status of your fax appears in the Active Calls column.The Calls panel with fax status emphasizedGenesys Cloud also sends you an email with the status of your fax.
  7. View sent faxes in your personal workspace.
    Note: Only successfully transmitted faxes appear in your workspace.