Series: Set up group workspaces

Add members and assign access

For more information about who can belong to a shared workspace, see Understand group workspace membership. For more information about access levels, see Understand access levels for group workspaces.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Documents, click Workspaces.
  3. Hover over the name of the workspace you want to add members to and click Membership .
  4. Click the lock icon for the workspace. 
  5. In the Search for Individuals or Groups to Add box, type the first few letters of a person’s or group’s name. Then select the name from the list.
  6. From the list to the right of the person’s or group’s name, select the appropriate workspace access level for the person or group.
  7. (Optional) To remove a member from a group workspace, to the rightmost of the member’s name, click Remove .
  8. Click Save.

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