Genesys Cloud ACD processing

Genesys Cloud ACD matches interactions (calls, chats, emails, messages, and callbacks) with available agents under two scenarios. The first scenario occurs when an interaction arrives and there are multiple agents available to answer the interaction; in other words, an agent surplus. In this scenario, the goal is to choose the most appropriate agent for that interaction. Genesys Cloud processes the interaction, choosing the most appropriate agent based on skills, language, and the amount of time since the last interaction an agent handled.

The second scenario occurs when there are multiple interactions waiting and an agent becomes available; in other words, an interaction surplus. The goal for this scenario is to choose the most appropriate interaction for the available agent to pick up. Again, Genesys Cloud chooses the appropriate interaction based on an agent’s skills, language, and the amount of wait time for the interaction. 

Note: After a conversation has been waiting in queue for 59 days, Assignment Service will disconnect it.

The following two scenarios describe how Genesys Cloud ACD matches agents to interactions.

  1. An interaction arrives in the queue with optional language and skills attached from the flow.
  2. Based on the queue configuration settings, Genesys Cloud ACD generates a list of available agents.
    1. In most Genesys Cloud ACD configurations, every available on queue agent becomes part of the list of agents who can answer the interaction.
    2. Agents are assigned to the highest priority action from whichever queues they join. This behavior can result in interactions waiting in one queue longer than others.
  3. Genesys Cloud ACD filters the agent list, removing any agents who are not proficient in the required language or skills. For example, if the interaction requires an agent with a Mac OS skill, then Genesys Cloud removes the available agents without that skill. The only agents remaining on the list are those agents qualified to answer the interaction. If there are no qualified agents remaining on the list, the interaction waits in the queue  until a matching agent becomes available. An agent is selected based on the evaluation method set:
    • All skills matching – The agent with all the required skills who has the highest time since last interaction is selected for the new incoming interaction.
    • Best available skills – The agent with the highest proficiency (for example, an agent with a 5 star rating over another agent with a 3 star rating) will be selected. If two or more agents have same average proficiency, the agent who has the highest time since last interaction is selected for the new incoming interaction.
    • Disregard skills – Agent who has the highest time since last interaction is selected for the new incoming interaction.
  4. Genesys Cloud ACD calculates a score for each agent in the list using the amount of time since the agent last handled an interaction.
    Note: When determining which agent to route the next interaction, Genesys Cloud only looks back 7 days. If an agent has not been on queue in more than 7 days, Genesys Cloud does not take into account that agent’s last handled time. For example, an agent who has not taken a call in 5 days will receive the interaction before an agent who hasn’t taken a call in 10 days.
  5. Genesys Cloud ACD selects the most appropriate agent. The agent with the highest score receives the interaction.

Scenario 2 describes the ACD processing that occurs when an agent becomes available and there are multiple interactions waiting. 

Note: When multiple interactions are in queue, Genesys Cloud ACD distributes them based on the interaction that arrives first, down to the millisecond. As interactions arrive into the queue, the system applies a routing score. This score is calculated from the priority assigned to the interaction and its arrival time with a priority point system such that one point of priority equals adding one minute of time that the call is waiting. For example, if two calls arrive at the same time and one has a priority of 5 points while the other’s priority is 3 points, the one with 5 points scores as though it arrived 2 minutes before the other interaction, and routes first. Therefore, an interaction may arrive before another interaction but routes after the other, based on the priority calculations applied to each interaction. For more information, see Set up a transfer to ACD action.

  1. An agent becomes available by going on queue, either by finishing a previous interaction or setting their status to On Queue. The agent is ready to answer another interaction.
  2. Genesys Cloud ACD generates a list of all the waiting interactions to match with agents. Each interaction can have language and minimum skill requirements to consider.
  3. Genesys Cloud ACD filters the list for minimum requirements. If an interaction requires skills or languages that the available agent does not have, Genesys Cloud removes that interaction from the agent’s answerable interactions list.
  4. Genesys Cloud ACD calculates a score for each interaction, and takes into account the interaction’s time in queue and any priority status associated with the interaction.
  5. Genesys Cloud ACD selects the interaction with the highest score and assigns it to the available agent. Genesys Cloud selects agents for the interaction with the highest score based on the evaluation method set:
    • All skills matching – The interaction is assigned when an agent who has all the required skills becomes available.
    • Best available skills – The interaction is assigned to any agent who becomes available
    • Disregard skills – The interaction is assigned to any agent who becomes available.

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