Configure and deploy Genesys Messenger

To use web messaging on your website, configure a Messenger window and deploy it to your website. Messenger allows website visitors to interact with bots and agents. 

You can create multiple configurations and then choose which one to deploy. For example, if you have multiple domains, you can assign a different configuration to each domain, or assign the same configuration to all your domains. Or, you can have a different configuration for specific situations, such as holidays.  

You can configure and deploy Messenger through Genesys Cloud CX (preferred method), or developers can configure and deploy Messenger using public REST APIs and the Messenger JavaScript SDK. For more information about how developers can configure and deploy Messenger, see Get started with web messaging in the Genesys Cloud CX Developer Center. The following diagram provides an overview of the configuration and deployment of messenger:
Configuration and deployment overview

Define the Messenger window appearance

Define the appearance of the Messenger window in Genesys Cloud CX. For more information, see Configure Messenger in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center.

For more information about how developers can configure Messenger, see the following in the Genesys Cloud CX Developer Center:

Define the messaging experience

Define the messaging experience in Genesys Cloud CX and then save the configuration as a new version. For more information, see Configure Messenger in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center.

Note: To track journey data for visitors to your website, turn on Track customer journey data.

Create a Messenger deployment

After saving a version of the Messenger configuration, create a deployment in Genesys Cloud CX and assign the configuration to it. Then, deploy the Messenger snippet to your website. You can deploy the snippet manually or using Google Tag Manager. For more information, see Deploy Messenger in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center. Use Live Now to verify that Genesys Predictive Engagement is tracking events.
Note: You can have multiple active deployments; however, you can only have one active deployment per domain.
For more information about how developers can deploy Messenger, see Deploy Messenger.