Hybrid media overview

Note: As of May 11, 2022 Genesys Cloud automatically creates all new organizations with hybrid media capability.

Genesys Cloud allows you to combine any, or all three, of the Genesys Cloud telephony connection options to create a hybrid media organization. This combination means that you can take advantage of both cloud and premises hardware features to extend the capabilities of your Genesys Cloud organization.

  • If you use BYOC Premises and want to take advantage of other cloud services, add Genesys Cloud Voice or BYOC Cloud to your organization.
  • If you use Genesys Cloud Voice or BYOC Cloud and need to have local Edge devices for regulatory or connectivity purposes, add BYOC Premises to your organization.

In addition to combining cloud and premises solutions, use the hybrid telephony connection features to move from BYOC Premises to a 100% cloud organization. Use this option if you no longer need local Edge devices or if your Edge devices are no longer covered under warranty.

    For more information, see About hybrid media.

    Warning: After you make your organization hybrid media capable, there is no way to reverse the operation.