Genesys Cloud - April 29, 2020


New AWS region deployments

Genesys now includes the Canada (Canada Central) (ca-central-1), EU (London) (eu-west-2), and Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2) regions in its Genesys Cloud deployment. Service deployments to these regions begin April 29, 2020. New Genesys Cloud customers can choose the region closest to their main site location. For more information, see AWS regions for Genesys Cloud deployment

Refresh tokens for secure authentication

Developers can now use the refresh token grant type with their secure authentication implementation. Refresh tokens are credentials used to obtain access tokens. The authorization server issues refresh tokens to clients to obtain a new access token when the current access token becomes invalid or expires. This feature enables clients to maintain a valid access token without user interaction. For more information, see Authorization in the Developer Center. 


Genesys Cloud Voice availability for new AWS region 

Genesys now includes the Canada (Canada Central) (ca-central-1) region in its Genesys Cloud Voice deployments. For more information, see About Genesys Cloud Voice.

BYOC Cloud availability for new AWS regions 

Genesys now includes the Canada (Canada Central) (ca-central-1), EU (London) (eu-west-2), and Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2) regions in its BYOC Cloud deployments. For more information, see About BYOC Cloud

Contact center

Introducing improved workforce management features for selected regions

    Improved workforce management features are now available in the US West (Oregon) (us-west-2), EU (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1), EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1), Canada (Canada Central) (ca-central-1), EU (London) (eu-west-2), and Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2) regions, and coming soon to other regions. Designed to meet the needs of larger, more complex, international customers, the improved features deliver advanced, powerful, and easy-to-use forecasting and scheduling capabilities. Business units and planning groups can enable forecasting and scheduling across multiple management units that share queues, while retaining management unit level permissions. Service goal templates help managers assign service goals to similar groups. Forecasting and scheduling enhancements allow organizations to plan up to six weeks ahead. Multi-week scheduling constraints enable customers to build work plans that adhere to international labor laws and worker agreements. Genesys performs the migration automatically, with no existing customer configuration changes. For more information, see Workforce management auto-migration key concepts and About workforce management.

    Improved ACD messaging for Facebook Messenger 

    Genesys now provides an easier way for customers to use Facebook Messenger to interact with agents using Genesys Cloud messaging channels. Administrators can use the new Genesys Cloud for Facebook Messenger integration instead of creating their own Facebook App and completing Facebook App Review. Simply log into Facebook through Genesys Cloud to connect the integration to your Facebook business page. For more information, see Configure ACD messaging for Facebook Messenger.

    Inbound MMS support for SMS messages

    Genesys Cloud now supports inbound MMS on US and Canadian SMS long code numbers. This feature enables agents to receive and view .jpg, .png, and .gif media in the agent user interface. For more information, see MMS overview.

    Interrupt a Google Dialogflow agent in an Architect flow

    Administrators and contact center managers can now configure barge-in functionality for the Call Dialogflow Bot action in call flows that use the Google Dialogflow integration. This feature requires Edge and Media Tier version or later. For more information, see Enable barge-in for Google Dialogflow bots and About the Google Dialogflow integration


    SMTP server integration for outbound emails

    Administrators can now configure an SMTP server to send emails. This new option is an alternative to the default Amazon Web Service’s Simple Email Service (SES). For more information, see About the custom SMTP server integration for outbound emails.


    WFM forecasting After Call Work and Average Talk Time deprecation removal for selected regions

    On April 29, 2020, Genesys removed the Average Talk Time (ATT) and After Call Work (ACW) metrics from the short-term forecasting feature in workforce management in the US West (Oregon) (us-west-2), EU (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1), and EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1) regions. Removal in other regions is aligned with the improved workforce management features availability in the same regions. For more information, see Deprecation: WFM Short-Term Forecast Average Talk Time and After Call Work Metrics.

    Contact center dashboard in Performance Overview menu deprecation removal

    Genesys removed the Contact Center dashboard from the Performance > Overview menu on April 29, 2020. For more information, see Deprecation: Contact Center dashboard