Manage a message sequence

In Architect, it is easy to manage an ordered sequence of message elements to play back to the caller. You can arrange the order of elements, you can add or delete elements, and you can edit an element’s configuration. The following table describes simple tasks you can perform in the String Builder dialog box. 

Note: Access the String Builder dialog box from a Send Response action’s Message Body. For more information, see Set up a message with the String Builder.

Task Procedure

Arrange the order

Use the up or down arrows next to the element you want to move until Architect places it in the appropriate location.
Add a new element Select data, expression, prompt, text, or string parsing. 
Delete an element  Click the X next to the element you want to remove. 
Edit an element’s configuration  Click in the appropriate field and use the displayed controls to modify it. 
Enable an alternate message language Configure and order the message sequence for other configured languages.
Switch between the sequence builder and the expression view Click the tabs to the right of the dialog box and select to use the sequence builder or view the complete expression.