Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view


The following permissions:

  • AnalyticsData Export All
  • Directory > User > View
  • Routing > QueueJoin or RoutingQueueMemberManage (to activate and deactivate queue members)
  • RoutingWrap-Up CodeView
  • UISupervisor Agent Details > View 
  • UI > Supervisor Wrap-Up Performance > View

The Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view displays agent statistics based on a specific wrap-up code set by a specific agent. These statistics can help supervisors determine agent performance issues with interactions set a specific wrap-up code in one or multiple queues. 

The metrics for the selected wrap-up code represent the portion of the interaction where the wrap-up code was selected. For example, Agent Alex answers and then transfers an interaction to agent Blake. Alex then sets a wrap-up code of Transfer to Sales. Blake accepts the transfer and interacts with the customer. The customer ends the call. Blake then sets a wrap-up code of Sale Success. Any metrics associated with Alex’s portion of the interaction appear in her Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view based on the Transfer to Sales wrap-up code. Metrics associated with Blake’s portion of the interaction appear in his Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view based on the Sale Success wrap-up code.

This view does not update automatically. To see the most current data, click Refresh 

Set a default time zone in the workspace

You can set the default time zone in the analytics workspace before viewing any analytics view.

To set the default time zone in the workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Click Performance > Workspace.
  2. On the left side, from the Time zone drop-down menu, select the required time zone as the default time zone for the analytics workspace.

To view the Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view: 

  1. Click Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Agent Performance
  2. From the Agents Performance Summary view, click the agent you want to view. 
  3. From the Agents Performance Detail view, click the Wrap-Up tab.
  4. From the Agents Wrap-Up Detail view, click a wrap-up code. 
  5. To save the view with your filter and column settings, click Save .
  6. To export the data in the view, click Export .
  7. Click the tabs to open to the agent’s Performance, StatusEvaluationsInteractionsQueues or Schedule detail views.
Note: Each view has its own permissions. For permission requirements, see each view’s article.

Activate agents for a queue

Activate and deactivate queues for agents. After you activate a queue for an agent, when the agent’s status is On Queue, the agent receives interactions from that queue. Agents can also choose the queues to work themselves. To activate a queue for an agent, the agent must be a member of that queue.

To activate an agent for a queue from this view:

  1. Click the Queue Activation icon Queue Activation icon.
  2. Select the queues you want the agent to work.
  3. Click Update.

Customize the view

Customize the Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view to show only certain data. For example, you can choose to show only certain columns or filter to see certain types of interactions. Your customizations remain as you navigate from view to view or leave and return to a view. You can also save your filter and column settings as a saved view to quickly switch between different data of interest in the same view. 

To customize analytics views, use the date filter.

To filter metrics by date or configure a custom date range, use presets. When filtering metrics for this view, select any custom date range up to 6 weeks

To use a preset to filter metrics, complete the following steps:

  1. To display the date filter, click the date.
  2. In the Presets list, select a preset date option.

Date presets

Presets Description
Today Shows data for the time period that includes the current interval.
Yesterday Shows data for the previous day.
This week Shows data for a Sunday through Saturday time period.
Last week Shows data for the previous week, Sunday through Saturday.
Previous 7 days Shows data for the previous seven days.
This month Shows data for the current month, with no extra days.
This month by week Shows data for the current calendar month starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday, including extra days if the month does not start on Sunday or end on Saturday.
Last month Shows data for the previous calendar month with no extra days.
Previous 30 days Shows data for the previous 30 days.
Previous 3 months Shows data for the previous 3 months. For example, Nov 1, 2022 – Jan 31, 2023.
Day Shows data for a single 24-hour day.
Week Shows data for a Sunday through Saturday time period.
Month Shows data for the exact month with no extra days. If the current month is selected, you can see the data up to the current date.
Month by Week Shows data for a calendar month starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday, including extra days if the month does not start on Sunday or end on Saturday.

To use a custom date range to filter metrics, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the date to display the date filter.
  2. Select a start date and an end date on the calendar, and click the filter arrow .

To view data for a different time period using the same date presets, click the arrows on either side of the date display.

For example, to view data for the previous day, click the Day preset, and then click the arrow on the left side of the date.

To view data for a different time zone using the same date presets, from the Time zone drop-down menu, select the required time zone. You can create and save reports with the same selected time zone.

  1. To filter by media type, click the Filter icon Filter button.
  2. Select the media type. 

  • When filtering you can select more than one media type. Click the relevant media type to select or deselect the type.
  • You cannot select the voice and callback types at the same time.
  • If you select voice, the callback option will be deselected. If you select callback, the voice interaction will be deselected.
  • The available media types may vary from those shown above.

The selected media type icon is displayed above the column headers. For more information about various media types and their settings, see the Set behavior and thresholds for all interaction types section in the Create and configure queues.

Data in the view can be displayed in a chart. To view the chart, click the Show/Hide chart icon .

To show or hide columns:

  1. Click the Pick columns icon on the right side. The Add/Remove Column pane appears.
  2. (Optional) To sort the columns in ascending or alphabetical order, click Sort by > Column Name A-Z
  3. (Optional) To sort the columns in descending or reverse alphabetical order, click Sort by > Column Name Z-A.
  4. (Optional) To categorize or uncategorize the columns, click Sort by and enable or disable the Group by Categories toggle. Click the image to enlarge.

    Sort by options that appear when you add or remove column
  5. Search or scroll to select the columns you want to view.
    Note: You can also use keyboard navigation to choose the columns.
  6. Click Save. The selected columns appear on the screen.
    Note: The column selections appear only after saving the changes and do not apply to the table immediately.

      To rearrange the columns, click a column header and drag it.

      To reset a view to default column settings, click Reset view to defaults .

      You can select up to 20 columns.

      For more information about the metrics shown in the columns, see the Available Columns section in this article. 

      The top of the view displays totals for your selected date range. To display a graph of a metric per interval within the date range, select a metric in the totals row. 

      In the graph:

      • View metrics by interval for the selected metric.
      • View the highest and lowest intervals for the selected date range, as indicated by and  above the bars.
      • View talk, hold, and ACW metrics in relation to handle metrics.
      • Hover over the bars to see numeric information.

      To filter by information about the interaction, click Filters , and then search or scroll to select the filter you want to use.

      Interaction filters

      Filter Description

      Displays metrics for interactions with agents who have the selected skills.

      Filter for multiple skills at one time by entering other skills and searching again.


      Displays metrics for interactions with agents who have the selected languages.

      Filter for multiple languages at one time by entering other languages and searching again.


      Displays information for interactions with the selected original DNIS number. This DNIS number was dialed at the beginning of the interaction.

      • Enter only the DNIS number. For example, enter 13172223333. Do not include other characters such as +, -, or ( ).
      • You can use partial numbers that start from the beginning of the number. Numbers can optionally include the country code: 1317222 or 317222 are valid partial searches. However, you cannot search for a partial string that occurs in the middle of a number. For example, if the entire number is 3172223333, then 7222 is an invalid search.
      • Filter for multiple numbers at one time by entering other numbers and searching again.
      Session DNIS

      Displays information for interactions with the selected DNIS number. The DNIS number could have been dialed any time during the interaction.

      • Enter only the DNIS number. For example, enter 13172223333. Do not include other characters such as +, -, or ( ).
      • You can use partial numbers that start from the beginning of the number. Numbers can optionally include the country code: 1317222 or 317222 are valid partial searches. However, you cannot search for a partial string that occurs in the middle of a number. For example, if the entire number is 3172223333, then 7222 is an invalid search.
      • Filter for multiple numbers at one time by entering other numbers and searching again.

      Displays information about interactions of the selected directions.

      Initial Direction

      Displays information about interactions with the selected initial direction.


      Displays metrics for interactions associated with the selected queues.

      Filter for multiple queues at one time by entering other queues and searching again. 


      The source provider for the conversation. For example, Genesys Cloud EMAIL, Edge, and so on.

      Routing Used

      Displays the routing method that was used to get to the agent who answered the interaction.

      The routing data is relevant beginning September 5, 2020.

      Routing Requested

      Displays the routing methods that were requested for the interaction. Gives insight into each of the routing methods the conversation went through prior to being answered, abandoned, or flow-out.

      The routing data is relevant beginning September 5, 2020.

      To filter by information about the interaction:

      1. Click Filters
      2. Click the Outbound tab.
      3. Search or scroll to select the filter you want to use.

      Outbound filters

      Filter Description
      Campaign Name

      Displays interactions associated with the selected campaigns. When you type a campaign name, the suggested campaigns are displayed with their campaign types, Voice, Email, or SMS. 

      Email campaign type: Display interactions for multiple campaigns by entering other campaign names and searching again. 

      Contact List Displays interactions associated with the selected contact lists.
      Contact ID Displays interactions associated with the selected contact IDs.

      To filter by information about the Predictive Engagement journey details of the interaction:

      1. Click Toggle filters panel
      2. Click the Journey tab.

      Journey filters

      Filter Description
      Has Customer Journey Data Displays data for interactions that have customer journey data related to Predictive Engagement.
      Proactive Displays data for interactions where Predictive Engagement offered a chat during a customer's website visit based on the Predictive Engagement action map settings.   

      Available columns

      To view the available columns, see Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view section in the View available columns in performance views by category article.

      To view the consolidated list of available columns in the performance views, see Consolidated view of available columns in performance views.

      To view the list of available columns in the performance views by category, see View available columns in performance views by category.