Work with workitem flows


To access worktypes when you create a workitem flow:

  • Workitems > Worktype> View permission

To create and modify worktype rules:

  • Workitems > Flowruleoncreate > Add permission
  • Workitems > Flowruleoncreate > View permission
  • Workitems > Flowruleoncreate > Edit permission
  • Workitems > Flowruleoncreate > Delete permission
  • Workitems > Flowruleonattributechange > Add permission
  • Workitems > Flowruleonattributechange > View permission
  • Workitems > Flowruleonattributechange > Edit permission
  • Workitems > Flowruleonattributechange > Delete permission

  • The maximum length of a flow name is 200 characters and it cannot contain a slash / or end in -debug.
  • You cannot duplicate names for workitem flows.

Use a dedicated workitem flow in Architect to manage workitems without depending on data actions. You can use a workitem flow, for example, to adjust the assignee, due date, expiry date, priority, or status of a workitem. You can also disconnect, terminate, or transfer a workitem with a workitem flow.

Workitem flows enable you to perform such tasks as:

  • Invite various stakeholders to work collaboratively in Architect to define the business logic for the desired work automation.
  • Process workitems during their entire life cycle.
  • Read and update built-in and custom workitem attributes.
  • Reassign the workitem by transferring it to a different queue or agent.
  • Retract the workitem from the assigned agent.
  • Configure the workitem flow to execute automatically on workitem creation and status change without the need to set up a trigger.

Use case examples

  • Automate repetitive tasks such as data validation or requests for missing information.
    Example 1: Preprocess bookings in a contact center.
    Benefits: enhanced efficiency, reduced response time, and greater data accuracy.
    Work automation tasks:
    • Validate the customer data: when the customer submits a booking, work automation can launch a pre-configured workitem flow that starts by validating the received customer data. For example, the workitem flow can check if mandatory data fields are complete and in the correct format. The workitem flow can also cross-reference the customer data with CRM databases to ensure accuracy.
    • Identify missing information: Work automation recognizes missing or incorrect data and fetches the missing information from business systems, for example, a CRM system.
    • Update the booking workitem: when the customer provides the missing data, work automation can update their booking with the new information.
  • Automate task assignment.
    Example 2: Preprocess insurance claims for task assignment.
    Benefits: faster resolution, greater operational efficiency.
    Work automation tasks:
    • Determine the insurance category for proper routing: when a customer makes an insurance claim, work automation can launch a pre-configured workitem flow that starts by checking the customer profile and determines the insurance category (automobile, home, life, and so on).
    • Assign the work automation task to the appropriate queue on task status change: When the workitem’s status changes to ‘Waiting to assign’, based on the determined insurance category, work automation can assign the workitem to the appropriate queue.
    • Collect data for claim handling: When the workitem’s status changes to ‘Assigned’, work automation can automatically collect the custom attributes of the associated worktype. For example, the insurance limit of the customer, or any previous claim history.

Create a workitem flow

Keep the following key points in mind:

  • Every workitem flow is based on and associated with a specific worktype. A workitem flow can only be associated with a single worktype.
  • A worktype can only be associated with a single workitem flow. In other words, you can only create one workitem flow per worktype.
  • If you want to create another workitem flow for a worktype, you must delete the existing workitem flow that is associated with that worktype.
  • After a workitem flow is created, you cannot change which worktype the workitem flow is associated with. 
  • Set up the worktype before you create the workitem flow. You can only create a workitem flow with a worktype.
  • The worktype, its statuses, and its collection of custom attributes (schema) are all dependencies of the workitem flow. In other words, flow authors can reference them within the workitem flow.
  • Architect notifies flow authors about worktype schema changes or if the worktype no longer has a custom schema associated with it. 
  • If the associated worktype is deleted after a workitem flow is created or generated, Architect displays a validation error that indicates that the associated worktype is no longer valid. You cannot publish your workitem flow because you cannot change the associated worktype after you create a workitem flow. 
  • Search for flows by worktype in the Dependency Search tab in the Architect home page.
  • Find the associated worktype in the Dependencies pane under Resources and in Workitem Flow Settings.
  • To set rule conditions for workitem flow execution when a workitem is created or its status changes, navigate to the Rules tab of the associated worktype under Admin > Task Management > Worktypes. For more information, see Define a worktype (add new rules tab).

Complete the following configuration steps before you create your workitem flow:

  1. (Optional) Create custom attributes.
  2. Create a workbin.
  3. Create a worktype.

To create a workitem flow, follow these steps:

  1. From the Architect home page, click or hover over the Flows menu and select Workitem flow.
  2. Click  Add. The Create Workitem Flow dialog box opens.
  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the flow.
  4. (Optional) In the Description field, add a short sentence or phrase to describe this flow.
  5. Click the Worktype list and select the worktype based on which you want Architect to generate the workitem flow.
    • Architect displays the worktypes that have been created under Admin > Task Management > Worktypes.
    • You can only create one workitem flow per worktype.
    • You cannot select a worktype that is already in use by another workitem flow.
  6. Click the Default Language list and select the flow's default supported language.
  7. Click the Divisions list and select the division in which to place the flow.
  8. Use the Generate Flow Logic toggle to auto-generate the default flow logic for event handling and statuses based on their configuration in the selected worktype.
  9. Click Create Flow. The flow's configuration page opens.
Note: You can also create your workitem flow using Archy. Use worktypeName or worktypeId to set the worktype on the workitem flow. For more information, see Define Architect flows using YAML.

Design logic behind workitem flows

Architect automatically generates your initial workitem flow based on the worktype that you select. When the rule condition in the worktype configuration is set to Creation, the respective Event Type in the workitem flow is set to workitemCreated. Similarly, when the rule condition is Status Transition or Dates, Architect sets the Event Type in the workitem flow to workitemStatusChange or workitemDateBasedEvent respectively.

Architect applies the following design logic depending on the worktype configuration:

  • Architect generates a Reusable Task for the workitemCreated event type and all the worktype statuses that have been configured in the associated worktype. Flow authors can configure the required business logic for handling workitems when they are created and the various workitem status changes in the respective Reusable Tasks.
  • A workitem can launch a workitem flow or it can be sent to a queue for assignment at creation time. Architect adds a Decision action below Start in the Initial state to determine whether the workitemCreated event type triggered the execution of the workitem flow.
  • If the flow was launched on workitem creation, Architect calls the EventType – workitemCreated Reusable Task with a Call Task action to execute the business logic that the flow author specified for handling workitems on creation.
  • If the flow was not launched because of a workitemCreated event, Architect checks whether the flow was triggered by a workitemStatusChanged event with another Decision action.
    • If the flow is running because of a status change, Architect checks what the name of the new status is. Then, it calls the corresponding Reusable Task with a Switch action to execute the configured business logic for handling the specific status update.
    • If the flow was not launched because of a workitemCreated event or a workitemStatusChanged event, Architect checks whether the flow was triggered by a workitemDateBasedEvent with another Decision action.
    • If the flow is running because of a workitemDateBasedEvent, Architect checks the name of the date rule. Then, it calls the corresponding Reusable Task with a Switch action to execute the configured business logic for handling the workitem based on the date rule. The date rules allow you to set conditions based on the due date, expiration date, or life span of a workitem. When these conditions are met, the workitem triggers the associated workitem flow instance.
    • Architect adds an Exit Workitem Flow action at the end of the workitem flow.

    Customize your workitem flow

    You can customize the generated workitem flow in the following ways:

    • You can add custom business logic to handle workitems during the event types such as workitem creation, status change, or date-based event.
    • You can use the following workitem-related Architect actions to handle workitem updates:
    • You can use built-in and custom variables to reference, update, make decisions, or take other actions based on various aspects of your workitem:
      • For example, you can use the Workitem.Workitem.customFields variable to reference items that have been defined as part of the custom schema associated with the worktype.
        Imagine the following scenario. You want to check what tier of a customer or loyalty program a customer belongs to and update the workitem’s custom label or priority accordingly. You can use, for example, a Switch action to check the tier level, and define Boolean expressions in the Case configuration boxes for each tier level via Workitem.Workitem.customFields.<attribute for the tier levels in your custom schema in each expression (Workitem.Workitem.customFields.customer_level_enum == "gold"). Then, you can add an Update Workitem action for each Case that updates the custom label field or add a Set Priority action to update the priority of the workitem.
        Click the images to enlarge.Using the custom schema-related variable in a workitem flowUpdate Workitem action example
    • You can add alerts for transferring a workitem to a user with a Transfer to User action.
    • You can use workitem-related functions (FindWorktypeStatus, FindWorktypeStatusById) to update the status of a workitem in an Update Workitem action.


    • Execution limits:
      • There can be a maximum of one workitem flow execution at a time per workitem. If a rule condition is met for a workitem and there is a workitem flow already running for that workitem, Architect will not launch the workitem flow.
      • Disconnect Workitem: There is a limit on the maximum number of Disconnect Workitem action executions per workitem flow instance (action.disconnectworkitem.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      • Terminate Workitem: There is a limit on the maximum number of Terminate Workitem action executions per workitem flow instance (action.terminateworkitem.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      • Update Workitem: There is a limit on the maximum number of Update Workitem action executions per workitem flow instance (action.updateworkitemdata.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      • Set External Tag: There is a limit on the maximum number of Set External Tag action executions per workitem flow instance (action.setexternaltag.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      • Set Priority: There is a limit on the maximum number of Set Priority action executions per workitem flow instance (action.setpriority.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      • Set Skills: There is a limit on the maximum number of Set Skills action executions per workitem flow instance (action.setskills.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      • Transfer to ACD: There is a limit on the maximum number of Transfer to ACD action executions per workitem flow instance (action.transfertoacd.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      • Transfer to User: There is a limit on the maximum number of Transfer to ACD action executions per workitem flow instance (action.transfertouser.invocations.per.flow.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
    • Flow launch limit: There is a limit on the number of times an individual workitem can launch a workitem flow per day ( For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
    • Flow launch rate limit: There is a limit on the maximum number of launches for a specific workitem flow per minute (workitem.flow.launch.rate.per.minute). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
    • Flow runtime limit: There is a limit on the maximum number of seconds a workitem flow can execute for before the workitem flow invokes error handling (flow.type.workitem.duration.seconds.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
    • Flow size limit: There is a limit on the maximum size in bytes allowed for a workitem flow (flow.type.workitem.size.bytes.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
    • Flow action limit: There is a limit on the maximum number of actions a workitem flow can execute before the flow invokes error handling (flow.type.workitem.action.executions.max). For more information, see Limits in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.

    Built-in variables


    Name Type Collection? Read Only? Description
    Flow.IsTest Boolean No Yes Indicates whether the flow runs in debug mode.
    Flow.StartDateTimeUTC DateTime No Yes The UTC datetime when the flow started execution.
    Flow.Version String No Yes The version of the active flow.
    System.Conversation Enum No Yes Information about the conversation associated with the flow. A list of available conversation types. For more information, see mediatype in Conversation Data model in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
    System.MaxInt Integer No Yes Holds the maximum value allowed for an Integer, which is 999999999999999.
    System.MaxDateTime DateTime No Yes Holds the maximum value allowed for a Date Time, which is December 31, 2200 at 11:59:59 p.m.
    System.MaxDuration Duration No Yes Holds the maximum value allowed for a Duration, which is 999999999999999 milliseconds (11574074 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes, and 39.999 seconds).
    System.MinInt Integer No Yes Holds the minimum value allowed for an Integer, which is -999999999999999.
    System.MinDateTime DateTime No Yes Holds the minimum value allowed for a Date Time, which is January 1, 1800 at 12:00:00AM.
    System.MinDuration Duration No Yes Holds the minimum value allowed for a Duration, which is -999999999999999 milliseconds (-11574074 days, -1 hour, -46 minutes, and -39.999 seconds).
    Workitem.Language String No Yes The lower case IETF language tag for the language in which the flow is currently running. If there is no current flow language, this returns a NOT_SET String.
    Workitem No No The workitem associated with this flow.
    Workitem.Workitem.assignee Workitem No No The assignee of the workitem. Workitem No No The user ID.
    Workitem No No The user name property.
    Workitem No No The user username property.
    Workitem No Yes The assignment state of the workitem.
    Workitem.Workitem.autoStatusTransition Workitem No   Yes This returns true if auto status transition is enabled for the workitem, otherwise false.
    Workitem Yes No The custom fields defined in the schema referenced by the worktype of the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The date the assignment state changed for the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The date the workitem was closed.
    Workitem No Yes The creation date of the workitem.
    Workitem No No The due date of the workitem.
    Workitem.Workitem.dateExpires Workitem No No The expiry date of the workitem.
    Workitem.Workitem.dateModified Workitem No Yes The date the workitem was last modified.
    Workitem No Yes The date the status was last changed.
    Workitem No No The description of the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The division ID which identifies the division to which this workitem belongs.
    Workitem.Workitem.duration Workitem No Yes The estimated duration to complete the workitem.
    Workitem No No The External Contact associated with this workitem. If there is no External Contact, the value will be NOT_SET.
    Workitem.Workitem.externalContact.address Workitem No No The address of the contact.
    Workitem No  No The cell phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime for when the contact entry was created.
    Workitem No No The identifier of the division to which the external contact belongs.
    Workitem No No The organization for this contact.
    Workitem No No The external system URL of the contact.
    Workitem No No The Facebook messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem.Workitem.externalContact.firstName Workitem No No The first name of the contact.
    Workitem.Workitem.externalContact.homePhone Workitem No No The home phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No A unique ID for the contact.
    Workitem No No The internal classification for the record type. For external contacts, the kind will be "contact".
    Workitem No No The last name of the contact.
    Workitem.Workitem.externalContact.lineInfo Workitem No No The LINE messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem No No The middle name of the contact.
    Workitem No No The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime for when the contact entry was last updated.
    Workitem No No The other email address of the contact.
    Workitem No No The other phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No The personal email address of the contact.
    Workitem No No The salutation suggested when addressing the contact.
    Workitem No No True if this contact has opted out of survey invites.
    Workitem No No The title of the contact. The values are unrestricted, but often values such as "Vice President", "Director", "Employee" are used.
    Workitem No No The Twitter messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem No No The WhatsApp messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem No No The work email address of the contact.
    Workitem No No The work phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No The external tag associated with this workitem. If there is no external tag, the value will be NOT_SET. Use the Set External Tag action to modify.
    Workitem No Yes The workitem ID which uniquely identifies a workitem.
    Workitem No No The Language Skill associated with the workitem.
    Workitem No No The language skill ID.
    Workitem No No The language skill name.
    Workitem No Yes The ID of the entity that last modified the workitem.
    Workitem No No The name of the workitem.
    Workitem No No The priority of the workitem. Use the Set Priority action to modify.
    Workitem No No The workitem's queue.
    Workitem No No The queue ID.
    Workitem No No The queue name.
    Workitem No Yes The workitem's reporter.
    Workitem No Yes The user ID.
    Workitem No Yes The user name property.
    Workitem No Yes The user username property.
    Workitem No No A list of agent score pairs used for the last preferred agent routing.
    Workitem Yes No The ACD Skills associated with the workitem.
    Workitem No No The status of the workitem.
    Workitem No No The category of the worktype status. Allowable values are "Open", "InProgress", "Waiting" and "Closed".
    Workitem No No The ID of the worktype status.
    Workitem No No The name of the worktype status.
    Workitem No No The time to live of the workitem until it is deleted from Genesys Cloud represented as a DateTime in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
    Workitem No Yes The ID of the worktype for the workitem.
    Workitem No No The utilization label for the workitem.
    Workitem No No The utilization label identifier.
    Workitem No No The utilization label description.
    Workitem No Yes The version of the workitem. Note that this may be a NOT_SET Integer.
    Workitem No Yes The workbin that contains the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The division ID which identifies the division of this workbin.
    Workitem No Yes The ID of the workbin.
    Workitem No Yes The name of the workbin.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.assignee Workitem No No The assignee of the workitem. Workitem No No The user ID.
    Workitem No No The user name property.
    Workitem No No The user username property.
    Workitem No Yes The assignment state of the workitem.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.autoStatusTransition Workitem No   Yes This returns true if auto status transition is enabled for the workitem, otherwise false.
    Workitem Yes No The custom fields defined in the schema referenced by the worktype of the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The date the assignment state changed for the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The date the workitem was closed.
    Workitem No Yes The creation date of the workitem.
    Workitem No No The due date of the workitem.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.dateExpires Workitem No No The expiry date of the workitem.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.dateModified Workitem No Yes The date the workitem was last modified.
    Workitem No Yes The date the status was last changed.
    Workitem No No The description of the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The division ID which identifies the division to which this workitem belongs.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.duration Workitem No Yes The estimated duration to complete the workitem.
    Workitem No No The External Contact associated with this workitem. If there is no External Contact, the value will be NOT_SET.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.externalContact.address Workitem No No The address of the contact.
    Workitem No  No The cell phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime for when the contact entry was created.
    Workitem No No The identifier of the division to which the external contact belongs.
    Workitem No No The organization for this contact.
    Workitem No No The external system URL of the contact.
    Workitem No No The Facebook messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.externalContact.firstName Workitem No No The first name of the contact.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.externalContact.homePhone Workitem No No The home phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No A unique ID for the contact.
    Workitem No No The internal classification for the record type. For external contacts, the kind will be "contact".
    Workitem No No The last name of the contact.
    Workitem.WorkitemOriginal.externalContact.lineInfo Workitem No No The LINE messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem No No The middle name of the contact.
    Workitem No No The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime for when the contact entry was last updated.
    Workitem No No The other email address of the contact.
    Workitem No No The other phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No The personal email address of the contact.
    Workitem No No The salutation suggested when addressing the contact.
    Workitem No No True if this contact has opted out of survey invites.
    Workitem No No The title of the contact. The values are unrestricted, but often values such as "Vice President", "Director", "Employee" are used.
    Workitem No No The Twitter messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem No No The WhatsApp messaging system user information for the contact.
    Workitem No No The work email address of the contact.
    Workitem No No The work phone number of the contact.
    Workitem No No The external tag associated with this workitem. If there is no external tag, the value will be NOT_SET. Use the Set External Tag action to modify.
    Workitem No Yes The workitem ID which uniquely identifies a workitem.
    Workitem No No The Language Skill associated with the workitem.
    Workitem No No The language skill ID.
    Workitem No No The language skill name.
    Workitem No Yes The ID of the entity that last modified the workitem.
    Workitem No No The name of the workitem.
    Workitem No No The priority of the workitem. Use the Set Priority action to modify.
    Workitem No No The workitem's queue.
    Workitem No No The queue ID.
    Workitem No No The queue name.
    Workitem No Yes The workitem's reporter.
    Workitem No Yes The user ID.
    Workitem No Yes The user name property.
    Workitem No Yes The user username property.
    Workitem No No A list of agent score pairs used for the last preferred agent routing.
    Workitem Yes No The ACD Skills associated with the workitem.
    Workitem No No The status of the workitem.
    Workitem No No The category of the worktype status. Allowable values are "Open", "InProgress", "Waiting" and "Closed".
    Workitem No No The ID of the worktype status.
    Workitem No No The name of the worktype status.
    Workitem No No The time to live of the workitem until it is deleted from Genesys Cloud represented as a DateTime in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
    Workitem No Yes The ID of the worktype for the workitem.
    Workitem No No The utilization label for the workitem.
    Workitem No No The utilization label identifier.
    Workitem No No The utilization label description.
    Workitem No Yes The version of the workitem. Note that this may be a NOT_SET Integer.
    Workitem No Yes The workbin that contains the workitem.
    Workitem No Yes The division ID which identifies the division of this workbin.
    Workitem No Yes The ID of the workbin.
    Workitem No Yes The name of the workbin.
    Workitem No Yes The workitem as it existed prior to the event that caused this flow instance to run.
    Workitem.EventData Workitem No Yes Holds additional event data for the event that started this workitem flow instance. When a workitem flow instance is started, this variable provides access to data associated with the event that a flow can then use during its execution to get more information about the event.
    Workitem No Yes The workitem event type that started this flow. Valid values for event types can be found in Workitem Flow settings. If an event was not responsible for the flow instance, this will return a NOT_SET String.
    Workitem No Yes The lower case IETF language tag for the language in which the flow is currently running. If there is no current flow language, this returns a NOT_SET String.


    Available Architect actions

    This table describes the available Architect actions that you can implement into your workitem flows.

    Icon Category Action Description
    Common Call Common Module Reuse previously created logic stored in a common module flow.
    Conversation Set Priority Set the appropriate priority of the current interaction while it waits in a queue
    Set Skills Set or assign the appropriate ACD and language skills to associate with an interaction while it waits in a queue
    Customer Secured Data Get Secured Data Set a secured data attribute that you retrieve from an interaction or workflow participant.
    Set Secured Data Set a secured data attribute value on a call participant.
    Decrypt Data Decrypt data in Architect flows by using your own encryption key.
    Encrypt Data Encrypt data in Architect flows by using your own encryption key
    Data Call Data Retrieve information about a customer from default or custom data actions integration in Genesys Cloud.
    Data Table Lookup Retrieve data stored in a Genesys Cloud data table.
    Get Response Use with the Send Auto Reply action to send an automated reply to a customer.
    Get Conversation Data Use the Get Conversation Data action in a task to set up an attribute to retrieve from a workflow participant.
    Set Conversation Data Use the Set Conversation Data action in a task to assign an attribute value on an interaction participant.
    Set External Tag Associate interactions in Genesys Cloud with records in your organization’s customer relationship management (CRM) system or system of records (SOR).
    Update Data Assign values to flow or task level variables.
    Update Workitem Update both built-in and custom attributes of a workitem.
    Disconnect Disconnect Workitem Disconnect an agent from a workitem.
    Exit Workitem Flow Exit the workitem flow.
    Terminate Workitem End a workitem.
    Find Find Emergency Group Dynamically find an emergency group based on its name at IVR runtime. For more information, see Emergencies.
    Find Language Skill Source language skill data from a data dip such as a Call Data action or a data table. Then, use that information with a Transfer to ACD action that sends the interaction to the appropriate queue.
    Find Queue Find a queue based on its string name at IVR runtime. Use this action to source data from a data action or data lookup tables. 
    Find Queue by ID Reference a queue dynamically and find that queue based on an ID at IVR runtime.
    Find Schedule Dynamically find a schedule based on its name at IVR runtime. For more information about schedule creation in Genesys Cloud, see Schedules.
    Find Schedule Group Dynamically find a schedule group based on its name at IVR runtime. For more information, see Schedule Groups.
    Find Skill Find an ACD skill based on its string name at IVR runtime. Use this action to source skill data from a data dip such as a Call Data action or a data table. Then, use that information with a Transfer to ACD action that sends the interaction to the appropriate queue.
    Find User Search for a Genesys Cloud user based on an email address at IVR runtime. 
    Find User by ID Reference a user dynamically and find that user based on a string name at IVR runtime.
    Find Users by ID Reference Genesys Cloud users dynamically and find them based on a string at IVR runtime.
    Find Utilization Label Dynamically find a utilization label based on its name at IVR runtime.
    External Contacts Get External Contact Retrieve information about an existing external contact.
    Get External Organization Use the Get External Organization action to find a specific organization, or with the Get External Contact action to find a specific person.
    Search External Contacts Find one or more external contacts based on your search terms.
    Flow Clear Utilization Label Remove a utilization label from an interaction.
    Set Language Allow callers to select the appropriate language in which to hear prompts.
    Set Utilization Label Dynamically apply a utilization label to an interaction.
    Logical Decision Direct the process branch, depending on whether a condition is true.
    Switch This action is similar to a Decision action, and is easy to set when to evaluate multiple cases. Configure a switch action to specify what Architect does, when to do it, and under which circumstances.
    Evaluate Schedule Use this action with the Evaluate Schedule Group action to make routing decisions based on previously defined schedules and schedule groups.
    Evaluate Schedule Group Use this action with the Evaluate Schedule action to make routing decisions based on previously defined schedules and schedule groups.
    Loop Loop Direct your process repeat a series of actions before it goes on to the next action in your design.
    Next Loop Use the Next Loop action when, during the loop iteration, the flow encounters a false outcome and you want it to continue to the next iteration.
    Exit Loop Use this action inside a Loop action. Use it to end and exit the current loop, and to continue flow execution by moving to the following action.
    State State Use a state to group tasks together into logical units. 
    Change State Jump the process directly to the beginning of a different state without any intervening steps.
    Task Call Task Call another task. When the called task completes, the configured output path determines how flow execution continues.
    End Task End a task in a process.
    Transfer Transfer to ACD Use the Transfer to ACD action to transfer a caller into a queuing system. 
    Transfer to User Transfer a caller directly to a Genesys Cloud user.