Set Priority action


Use the Set Priority action to set the appropriate priority of the current interaction while it waits in a queue. Use this action in Architect in-queue flows. This action enables you to make decisions about the interaction in a flow to best meet the needs of the customer.

  • Before you use this action, make sure that the built-in variables for this action are not NOT_SET. If they are, then when the flow runs this action, it takes the Failure path at runtime. It may take time for the variables to have a value.

Action Description


Type a name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the task sequence.


If the action is within the allowable range or is not NOT_set, the flow takes the success path at runtime and updates the Call.Priority, Email.Priority, or Message.Priority variable. If the priority value is outside of the allowable range, or if it is NOT_SET, the flow follows the failure path at runtime.

Success path

This path indicates that the system successfully set the priority.

To follow the route you want the interaction to take, drag the appropriate action below the Success path. For example, a Hold music action or any other action or combination that follows your company’s flow design. 

Failure path

This path indicates that the system was unable to set the priority.  

To direct the route you want the interaction to take, drag the appropriate action below the Failure path. For example, a Hold music action or any other action or combination that follows your company’s flow design.