Call Common Module action

Use the Call Common Module action in all flow types to reuse previously created logic stored in a common module flow.

Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the flow structure.
Common Module Flow

Click Select a Common Module Flow and choose the appropriate common module flow from the list.


Select the published version of the common module flow.

Note: You can publish and select a Debug version of a common module flow, which allows you to test the logic before you publish it.


(Optional) Add input variables for the configured variables. Input variables are not necessary if you do not use the variables within the flow.

Note: When the common module flow contains variables as outputs, they appear in the right panel of the current flow.


(Optional) Add output variables for the configured variable. Output variables are not necessary if you do not use the variables within the flow.