Series: Set up work automation

Create a workbin


Note: It can take up to five minutes for permission updates to make their way through Genesys Cloud and take effect.

The following permissions:

  • Workitems > Workbin > Add, Delete, Edit, View 
  • Workitems > Worktype > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > Status > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > Workitem > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > Workitem Schema > Add, Delete, Edit, View

To access the List View:

  • Workitems > queryJob > All Permissions, Add, View
  • Workitems > queryJobResults > All Permissions, View

To set up rules:

  • Workitems > flowRuleOnCreate > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > flowRuleOnAttributeChange > Add, Delete, Edit, View

Workbins are asynchronous storage areas that belong to a division.  If workitems do not automatically route, agents can access the workbin and assign themselves a workitem. For more information, see Work with workitems.

Note: You can create a workbin as you create a new worktype as well.
  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Task Management, click Workbin. The workbin dashboard opens.
  3. Click Create New Workbin.
  4. Enter the following details:
    1. Name: A unique name.
    2. Description: A description that describes the nature of workitems in the workbin.
    3. Division: Select the division to which the workbin must belong. Once set, you cannot change the division of a workbin.
  5. Click Save.
Note: You can only delete workbins that do not contain any workitems; however, you cannot delete the default workbin of a worktype. You can create a maximum of 1000 workbins per organization.

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