Series: Set up work automation

Define a worktype


Note: It can take up to five minutes for permission updates to make their way through Genesys Cloud and take effect.

The following permissions:

  • Workitems > Workbin > Add, Delete, Edit, View 
  • Workitems > Worktype > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > Status > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > Workitem > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > Workitem Schema > Add, Delete, Edit, View

To access the List View:

  • Workitems > queryJob > All Permissions, Add, View
  • Workitems > queryJobResults > All Permissions, View

To set up rules:

  • Workitems > flowRuleOnCreate > Add, Delete, Edit, View
  • Workitems > flowRuleOnAttributeChange > Add, Delete, Edit, View

Workitems follow the process as defined in the related worktype. You can view a list of workitems and their status on the List View page

To view the available worktypes and their details:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Task Management, click Worktypes. The worktypes dashboard opens
  3. Click Create New Worktype.
    1. Name: Enter a unique name for the worktype.
    2. Description: Add a description that best describes the purpose of the worktype.
    3. Workbin: Choose one of the following options.
      • Select existing workbin: Select the workbin and division of the worktype.
      • Create new Workbin: Enter a name for the new workbin, select the division of the worktype, and optionally enter a description for the new workbin.
        Note: Once created, you cannot change the division of a worktype.
    4. Click Cancel, Save, or Save and Modify Settings. The Save and Modify option opens the following settings page that you can modify. 

Worktype settings page

  1. By default, each workitem has a due date, expiration date, and life span. You can update the values to suit your organizational needs.
    1. Due Date: The date before which the workitem must be completed to meet the SLA.
      Note: Ensure that you terminate a workitem to check compliance with its due date.
    2. Expiration Date: The date after which the workitem expires and is no longer available to process in the queue. 
    3. Life Span: The number of days to hold the workitem on Genesys Cloud. However, before the expiry of the life span, you could choose to extend the period, as necessary. For example, if you set the life span for 200 days, you could extend it by another 120 days anytime before it expires.
  2. Choose a schema for the worktype. The attributes that you define in the schema apply to the workitems of this worktype.
    Note: Once you choose a schema, you cannot change the schema. However, you can edit the attributes of the schema to create a new version.
  3. Choose a script for the worktype. Scripts display editable records and directions to each agent that handles a particular type of interaction. Scripts present agents with details about the caller or contact, often with fields for collecting or updating information. For more information, see About scriptingallow the script to be used as a worktype property and script actions that are available for workitem automation.

Work automation behaves the same way that an ACD interaction does. All the routing settings set on the queue apply to the workitem that is awaiting an agent. Genesys Cloud supports Standard routing, Bullseye routing, Preferred Agent Routing, and Direct Routing (set on each workitem via the API). For more information about each routing method, see Advanced routing overview

Note: Conditional Group routing and Predictive routing are not available for workitem routing.

  1. Set the Routing Enabled switch to On or Off. 
    1. When you set Routing Enabled to On, the workitem routs as an ACD interaction. 
    2. When you set Routing Enabled to Off, the workitem moves to a workbin and follows the Automatic Status Transition workflow that you set up. Use this option to perform analysis or data collection on a workitem and process it further before it routes to an agent, or if you prefer agents to assign workitems to themselves. 
  2. Set the default queue through which the workitem routes.
  3. Set the default language for routing. Genesys Cloud uses the language that you specify to filter agents to process the workitem.
  4. Set the default priority for the workitem related to the worktype. When an agent becomes available in the specified queue, the workitem with a higher priority routes earlier than the others.
  5. Set the default skills to use for routing. Genesys Cloud uses the skills that you specify to filter agents to process the workitem.

Define the statuses and the possible connections of a status with the other statuses. You can map a status change to send an event that is captured with a trigger to launch a workflow. For example, when a request to increase insurance coverage transitions from open to assigned state, you can set up a workflow to send an email about the change state. The statuses help in process automation, compliance, and reporting. The workitem status is different from the routing states

On this page, you only define the different statuses that a workitem could possibly fall under; define the transition of status from one to another in the Auto Status Transitions tab. 

Use the Status Transition Map switch to view the status transitions in tabular and visual format. Genesys Cloud provides four different status categories within which you can create statuses.

  1. Define the initial status of any newly created workitem. Upon creation, the workitem assumes this status and begins the status transition process.
  2. Click Add Status and enter a name and description for the status. For example, under the category Open, you can create statuses such as Unassigned, Assigned, and Awaiting Agent.
    • To automatically terminate workitems upon transition to the set status, select Terminate workitem on selection of status. Only Closed statuses can auto-terminate. Termination of workitems allows supervisors to track the closure of workitems and their SLA compliance. 
  3. Click Add Restrictions to define the possible statuses that this status can transition to. For example, a workitem in Open status can transition to either In-progress, Rejected, or Require More Information based on the workitem. Adding a transition restriction from terminating status only applies to the manual transition after the workitem is restored from the terminate state.
    Note: You cannot delete a status in the following scenarios: when the status has an auto-status transition set, when the status has status-transition rules set, or when its worktype has an associated workitem flow set.

Define how the statuses that you built earlier transition from one to another. The automatic triggers that you configure can ensure that the workitem completes the pre-defined processes before it transitions to the next status. Use the automatic status transition builder mainly to handle workitems that need minimal or no manual intervention. 

Note: You can also disable auto transition for a workitem. For more information, see Automatic Status Transition. 

  1. The Auto Status Transitions page lists the different statuses you created. Click Add Status Transition alongside each status and define the transition settings. 
  2. In the Select Auto Transition Status field, set the next status of the workitem. All the statuses you defined as the status restrictions are available in the list. Transition from Terminating status to another status is only applicable to the workitem restored from the termination. Auto status transition does not apply in this case.
  3. In the Status Duration - How long until automatic status transition field, set the period at the expiry of which the status automatically moves to the status defined in the previous step. Consider the interval at which the routing state of a workitem changes before you set up the automatic transitions and triggers. 
  4. Alternatively, set a time for the status to automatically transition in the Select Time field.
  5. Click Save.

You can create rules for a worktype to automate the actions of a workitem. To automate the actions, create a worktype, set the rules, and from Architect, associate the worktype to a workitem flow. Now, when you create a workitem and when its status changes, Genesys Cloud evaluates the rules. If the conditions of the rules are met, Genesys Cloud performs the actions that you specify in the workitem flow. The output of the actions can serve as a pre-requisite for the subsequent status. Ensure that the worktype rules and the events in the workitem flow are in sync. 

You can navigate to the associated workitem flow in Architect from the worktype rules. Currently you can add rules for the following events: creation of a workitem and transition of a workitem from one status to another. 

  1. Click Add Condition
  2. Select the event to apply the rule. You can apply the rule upon creation of a workitem, or on a specific date anytime during the life span of the workitem, or upon a status transition.
    Note: You can create only one rule for each workitem creation event.
  3. Enter the following details:
    1. Name Rule: A unique name for the rule; the rule name can be reused in other worktypes, but not within the same worktype. This name must match the rule name in the workitem flow.
    2. Execute Rule: Specify when the rule must be executed. The options depend on the event that you select:
      • Upon creation of the workitem: By default, the rule specific to the creation event is applied immediately after the workitem is created.
      • On a specific date: You can execute the rule before, on, or after the due date or the expiry date, or before the life span of the workitem. For example, six hours after reaching the expiry date, you can remove the workitem from the queue as it is no longer relevant. 
        Note: You can set a maximum of five rules each for due date and expiry date, and three for life span. The minimum time limit that you can set is 15 minutes and the maximum is 96 hours (four days).
      • When the status of the workitem transitions: Specify the transition during which this rule must be applied.
  4. Click Save.

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