Work with screen share sessions

Starting January 27, 2025, Genesys will no longer support Screenshare functions for Chat and Voice in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Deprecation: Legacy Co-browse and Screenshare.


  • Acdscreenshare session view permission

A screen share session is an addition to a web chat or voice interaction that allows you to see the sharer’s screen.

Screen share sessions have a sharer and a viewer:

Sharer The user who shares their screen, usually a customer
Viewer The user who sees the shared screen, usually an agent. An agent can run one screen share session at a time.

Screen share only allows you to see the sharer’s screen: it does not share voice or peer-to-peer video, so you need an existing web chat or voice interaction to screen share. Genesys Cloud shows a link icon between an interaction and its associated screen share.

Handle screen share sessions successfully

Avoid the following actions that end a screen sharing session incorrectly. Ending a session incorrectly can affect your ability to start a new screen share session.

  • Disconnecting the linked interaction before leaving the screen share session.
  • Refreshing the browser window. The interaction remains active, but you must start a new screen share session.
  • Closing Genesys Cloud. The interaction remains active, but you must start a new screen share session.
Note: You can’t transfer a screen share. If you want to transfer a call with a linked screen share, first leave the screen share, and then transfer the call as usual. The new agent can start a different screen share session.

Start and end screen share sessions

When you want to screen share with someone, you request a screen share from Genesys Cloud. The sharer must accept your request, and then choose which screen to share with you. If the sharer does not accept your request or choose a screen to share, then the screen share session does not start.

Depending on your organization’s screen share implementation, sharers might need to install a screen share extension in their web browser. Ask your supervisor for more information about screen share in your organization. 

Important: You can only have one screen share session at a time. Opening a new tab while connected to a screen share session does not start a new screen share. 

  1. From the current call, click the Start Screen Share icon. startScreenShareFullCS  Genesys Cloud generates a security keyscreenShareWaitingCS
  2. Help the sharer locate the security key text box in your application. The location of this box varies based on your organization's use of screen share.
  3. Tell the sharer to enter the security key as you read it. The space is not part of the key.
  4. Tell the sharer to click Share your screen.

After the sharer successfully enters the key and clicks Share your screen, Genesys Cloud creates a screen share session between you and the sharer. You can now see the sharer's screen.

Important: You can only have one screen share session at a time. Opening a new tab while connected to a screen share session does not start a new screen share. 


  1. From the current chat, click the Start Screen Share icon. Start screen share
  2. Tell the sharer to click Accept in the chat window.Accept screen share from a chat
    After the sharer clicks Accept, the screen share helper asks the sharer to choose a screen to share.
  3. Tell the sharer to click a screen to share and then click Share

Note: If the sharer does not accept the screen share request within one minute, then your request times out. Click the Start Screen Share icon to try again.

After the sharer clicks Share, Genesys Cloud creates a screen sharing session between you and the sharer. You can now see the sharer's screen.

End a screen share before the session starts

To end a screen share before the customer connects, click End screen sharescreenShareWaitingCS

End a screen share after the session starts

From the current screen share, click the Leave session icon. Leave a screen share

Important: End a screen share before ending the interaction it is linked to. Disconnecting an interaction before ending its screen share causes orphaned screen sharing sessions.

End a screen share from a voice interaction

In the window you are sharing, click Stop sharing.

End a screen share from a chat interaction

In the chat window, click the End screen share icon. End a screen share in a chat