Work with co-browse for Messenger sessions

  • Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital license
  • For Co-browse for Web Messaging: Conversation > Cobrowse > Add permission
  • For Co-browse for Voice: Conversation > CobrowseVoice > Add permission

    A co-browse session is an addition to an interaction that allows you to simultaneously browse a webpage with the user that you are interacting with. With co-browse, you can more quickly answer questions users have about a webpage or help sharers complete a process. If the sharer gives permission, then you can also take control of the screen to help the sharer navigate or complete a form. 

    Co-browse sessions have a sharer and one viewer:

    • Sharer: The user who shares their screen, usually a customer. The toolbar appears on their screen and supports drag-and-drop.Co-browse Toolbar
    • Viewer: The user who sees the shared screen, usually an agent. 

    Co-browse for web messaging

    Co-browse gives both the sharer and the viewer more tools for communication:

    • When the viewer or the sharer click anywhere on the page, co-browse marks the place that the user clicked with a colored circle graphic.
    • The viewer can request control of the page. For example, an agent can ask for control to fill out part of a form themselves.
    • Both the sharer and viewer can add drawing annotations, which Genesys Cloud displays to both users.
    • Administrators can configure the shared page so that any sensitive information on the sharer’s side does not appear to the viewer. Also, any fields that should not be modified by the viewer appear as read-only.


    To start a co-browse session from web messaging, perform the following steps:

    • In the existing web messaging conversation, one of the following icons are displayed within your agent toolbar: 

    This icon when clicked initiates a co-browse session or This icon when clicked initiates a co-browse session

    • Click the matching icon available in your agent toolbar.
    • A message appears in the sharer’s messenger requesting that they share their browser. Ask the sharer to click Accept

    After the sharer accepts the request, Genesys Cloud creates a co-browse session between you and the sharer. You can now see the sharer’s browser. 

    To start a co-browse session from voice, perform the following steps:

    • In the existing voice conversation, one of the following icons are displayed within your agent toolbar: 

    This icon when clicked initiates a co-browse session or This icon when clicked initiates a co-browse session

    • Click the matching icon available in your agent toolbar.
    • The co-browse panel expands and displays a six digit meeting ID to the agent. Provide the six digit meeting ID to the customer you are speaking with via the voice conversation and guide the customer to enter this PIN in Messenger by clicking in the Browse this page with us area of the Messenger Homescreen.

    Once done and the customer clicks Start sharing, Genesys Cloud creates a co-browse session between you and the sharer. You can now see the sharer’s browser.

    You can view a co-browse session in fullscreen mode, which helps you more easily see the shared page.

    • To enter full-screen mode, click Fullscreen.
    • To exit full-screen mode, click Exit fullscreen.

    When you have control of the page, you can complete the following actions:

    • Type in text fields on the sharer’s page.
    • Select check boxes and other form fields.
    • Advance to the next screen.
    1. Click Request Control. Genesys Cloud sends the sharer a message that asks the sharer to allow the request: 
    2. Wait for the sharer to allow the request.

    Click Release control. Genesys Cloud returns you to view only mode.

    When you do not have control over the sharer’s page, you can still request the sharer to navigate to a certain page. Perform the following steps:

    1. Click Request Navigation.
    2. Enter the https:// or http:// address for the sharer to navigate directly. 
      1. Messenger and co-browse must be running on this page for a successful navigation and reconnect.
      2. You can also use relative URLs. For example, if the current page is, you can enter “/pricing” to navigate to the page.
    3. Click Submit. The sharer’s Messenger displays the navigation event request. When the sharer approves the request, you automatically follow the sharer to the desired page.

    1. Click Draw
    2. On the viewer panel, draw where you would like to bring the user’s attention. The sharer views your drawings immediately.

    To resize the viewer by percentage, drag the slider.resize co-browse viewer

    To resize the viewer so that the sharer’s screen fits inside your viewer, select Resize to Fit.

     To end a co-browse session, click Close Co-browse. Ending a session does not end the associated interaction.