  • Genesys custom component GC for SCV Queue Stats added to the Voice Call record

You can add callers to a call or transfer the call to another agent, queue, or phone numbers from the Omni-Channel widget in the contact center app. For more information, see Add Callers or Transfer Calls in Salesforce documentation.

In the Omni-Channel widget, selecting the Add Caller or Blind transfer option prompts the widget to display filter options based on queue, agent availability, and other criteria. However, the Queue Stats component only displays the queue search results under the Address Book tab when the Queue option is selected from the filter dropdown and a queue is searched for in the Omni-Channel.

Queue stats with Address Book display

When you select a queue in the list, the Queue Stats component in the Voice Call record page displays the following details of the selected queue:

  1. The number and type of interactions waiting in the queue
  2. The number of active and total agents in the queue
  3. The estimated wait time for an agent to answer

Queue stats component in CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce

You can select the Favorites icon to save the selected queue to the list of favorites. 

Queue stats with favorites selected

Note: The Omni-Channel widget’s Favorite and Queue Stats’ Favorites do not match and are entirely separate.