Validation property

Validation ensures that the agent entered properly formatted text. When focus leaves the text input box, Genesys Cloud tests the text value to ensure it conforms to the selected validation rule. If the text fails to pass validation, borders turn red to indicate a validation problem with the text.

Use the drop list to select a validation method:


  • Select—allows you to select a preset validation pattern:

    Email Input must conform to email address syntax.
    Alphabetic Allow alphabetic input only (no numbers)
    Alphabetic – With Spaces Allow alphabetic input only and require spaces between words. For example, “cool beans” is acceptable but “cool_beans” is not.
    Alphabetic – with Underscores Require alphabetic input only (no numbers) and underscores between words. For example, “cool_beans” is acceptable but “cool beans” is not.
    Alphanumeric Text input must contain both letters and numbers.
    Alphanumeric – With Spaces Text input must contain both letters and numbers with words separated by spaces.
    Alphanumeric – With Underscores Text input must contain both letters and numbers with words separated by underscores.
  • Custom—allows you to select a string variable. For example, you can have the string variable be the regex and then use that variable on multiple pages to keep the validation the same. For more information on the custom validation method, see Text input script component.