Turn off click-to-dial

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Chrome and Genesys Cloud for Firefox.

The client allows phone numbers that are tel: links and email addresses that are mailto: links on webpages to be clickable links. This click-to dial and click-to-email functionality is selected by default.

To turn off (or turn on) this functionality, follow these steps: 

  1. Access the extension settings.
    • Genesys Cloud for Chrome
      1. Go to your Chrome extensions.
      2. Search for Genesys Cloud for Chrome.
      3. Click Details and then click Extension options
    • Genesys Cloud for Firefox
      1. Go to your Firefox add-ons.
      2. Search for Genesys Cloud for Firefox.
      3. Click Preferences.
  2. Clear (or select) Enable Click-to-Dial.
  3. Click Save.

For more information, see Click-to-dial and Configure click-to-dial.

For more information about the extensions, see About the Genesys Cloud browser extensions.