Store recordings in local Genesys Cloud regions

  • Recording > Settings > Edit Regional Storage permission 

If your organization has a global presence when you use Genesys Cloud, each geographical region can have different local regulatory requirements concerning data sovereignty. You may be required to save recordings from the European Union, or Canada jurisdiction, or from some APAC regions in their respective jurisdiction. 

If you use Global Media Fabric to handle interactions at the local Genesys Cloud media region, you can configure Genesys Cloud to also store the call recordings locally. Specifically, you can configure Genesys Cloud to store recordings in the first Genesys Cloud media region that you specify in the Media site list that relates to the recording trunk. This configuration enables you to store recordings in the same local media region that the customer leg of the interaction was handled under Global Media Fabric. 

  • The specific site at which the agent handles the interaction does not impact the recording storage location. The trunk by which the interaction travels determines the storage location. This behavior applies to both inbound and outbound interactions.
  • In a disaster-recovery scenario where a secondary Genesys Cloud media region handles traffic, after the region recovers, the recording exists in the first media region.
  • Recordings are archived in the same region in which the recording is stored. After archival, the recording restoration process also adds the restored recording in the same region in which the recording is stored.
  • When you configure recording bulk export, you can only setup your integration with one S3 bucket in the region of your choice. If you bulk export any call recordings that are not in the same region as your S3 bucket, you can incur Amazon S3 data transfer cost in your AWS account.


The following points apply when you configure your system to comply with data sovereignty regulations.

  • The configuration only applies to voice interactions and the following information is stored in your home region.
    • Digital recordings (chat, email, and messages)
    • Screen recordings
    • Conversation-level metadata
    • Interaction transcript
  • The configuration only applies to stored voice interaction recordings. Any transient recording file processing, for example, encryption and decryption of the recording for playback, and export the recording, happen in your home region.
  • Regional recording storage configuration follows the principle of Global Media Fabric, which applies only to BYOC Cloud trunks.
    • If you use Genesy Cloud Voice, and since the media traffic is handled in your home region, then the recording is stored in your home region.
    • If you use BYOC Premises trunks, then the Media Site is configured in the same way that BYOC Cloud trunks are configured. Recordings that a BYOC Premises trunk handle are stored in the configured local Genesys Cloud region.
    • If you use Hybrid Media, then interactions that BYOC Cloud trunks or BYOC Premises trunks handle adhere to storage regionality, while Genesys Cloud Voice interactions are always stored in your home region.

Recording storage configuration

Follow these tasks to configure recording storage for the appropriate region.

Verify that your external non-GCV trunks are affiliated with the desired Genesys Cloud region

  1. Select Admin.
  2. Under Telephone, click Trunks.
  3. Select the External Trunks tab, and then select the relevant external trunk. 
  4. Verify that the selected external trunk is not Genesys Cloud Voice AWS.
  5. Under External Trunk Configuration, click Media.
  6. Verify that the <media site name> media regions that you select is the correct region. If it is not the correct region, change the media site to change the corresponding media regions list.

Configure your organization to store recordings in the local AWS region (the location of the customer interaction)

  1. Select Admin.
  2. Under Quality, click Recording Management.
  3. In the Storage of Call Recordings, click Store call recordings in the region defined in the Global Media Fabric configuration.

    Confirm the recording storage regionality 

    When the configuration completes, to confirm the storage regionality of the recordings in any subsequent voice interactions in your organization, use the Recording API and inspecting the region field in the payload to invoke the recording metadata endpoint.

        "id": "da13dc55-1bc2-4f35-b8eb-6029603a2b7a",
        "conversationId": "8e2a0b24-aa82-4cda-a86f-123c3f098478",
        "startTime": "2022-12-08T21:47:05.935Z",
        "endTime": "2022-12-08T21:47:32.335Z",
        "media": "audio",
        "annotations": [],
        "fileState": "AVAILABLE",
        "deleteDate": "2023-12-08T21:47:34.885Z",
        "maxAllowedRestorationsForOrg": 100,
        "remainingRestorationsAllowedForOrg": 100,
        "sessionId": "04aff45f-8833-4656-b82a-2ff18e549987",
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "selfUri": "/api/v2/conversations/8e2a0b24-aa82-4cda-a86f-123c3f098478/recordingmetadata/da13dc55-1bc2-4f35-b8eb-6029603a2b7a"