Start a video chat


You can start a video chat with people in your organization in four different ways:

  • As a new video chat with one person
  • As a new video conference with up to 12 people
  • As part of an existing one-to-one chat
  • As part of an existing group chat
Tip: If you want to video chat with more than one other person, then Genesys recommends that you close your one-to-one video chat and start a video chat conference.

From the sidebar, start a video chat with one person:
  1. From the sidebar, click Video Chat . The Start a Video Chat window opens. 
  2. To invite someone to join your video chat, type a name in the search field and select the name from the results. 
  3. Click Video Chat .
    Note: The participant receives a video chat request and, to accept the request, clicks Video Chat . To decline an invitation, the participant can click Decline .

The participant’s video feed appears and offers a chance to adjust the camera. Participants click Join to join the video chat or conference.

Tip: If you want to video chat with more than one other person, Genesys recommends that you close your one-to-one video chat and start a video chat conference.

From the sidebar, start a video chat with multiple participants:
  1. From the sidebar, click Video Chat . The Start a Video Chat window opens. 
  2. To invite people to join your video chat, type a name in the search field and select the name from the results. To add participants, repeat this step.
    Note: You can have a total of 12 participants.
  3. Click Start Video Conference.
    Note: Genesys Cloud creates a chat room under Personal Groups. To join the video conference, participants click Open Video Call above the chat area.
  4. To notify participants, @mention them in the new chat room by using the @ symbol before their names as you would in a text chat.
  5. To accept the request, each participant clicks Video Chat . Their video feed appears and offers them a chance to adjust the camera. Participants click Join to join the video chat or conference.

  • Genesys Cloud provides audible and visual notifications when participants join and leave video chats.
    • If two participants join at the same time, then Genesys Cloud provides their names in the visual notification. 
    • If more than two join at the same time, then Genesys Cloud provides the number of participants who joined or exited in the visual notification.
    • If multiple participants join or leave at the same time, then Genesys Cloud only sends one audio notification.
    • If participants leave while others join, then Genesys Cloud prioritizes the participants who join and provides that information in the visual notification.
  • Genesys Cloud provides a visual notification to let you know who the current speaker is.


From the chat panel, start a video chat with one person:
    1. Under Chats, select a person.
    2. Above the chat area, click Open video call .
      Your video feed opens.
    3. Click Join when you are ready to join the video chat. Other participants follow the same steps to join.  
Note: In a one-to-one video chat, the other participant receives a notification that invites them to join.

Tip: If you want to video chat with more than one other person, Genesys recommends that you close your one-to-one video chat and start a video chat conference.

From the chat panel, start a video chat with a group.
    1. Under Chats, select an official group or a personal group.
      Note: To create a new personal group, you can also click .
    2. Above the chat area, click Open video call .
      Your video feed opens.
    3. Click Join when you are ready to join the video chat. Other participants follow the same steps to join. 
    4. To notify participants, @mention them in the new chat room by using the @ symbol before their names as you would in a text chat.

Each participant’s video feed appears and offers them a chance to adjust the camera. Participants click Join to join the video chat or conference.

  • Genesys Cloud provides audible and visual notifications when participants join and leave video chats.
    • If two participants join at the same time, then Genesys Cloud provides their names in the visual notification. 
    • If more than two join at the same time, then Genesys Cloud provides the number of participants who joined or exited in the visual notification.
    • If multiple participants join or leave at the same time, then Genesys Cloud only sends one audio notification.
    • If participants leave while others join, then Genesys Cloud prioritizes the participants who join and provides that information in the visual notification.
  • Genesys Cloud provides a visual notification to let you know who the current speaker is.


You can join a video chat that someone else starts and then invites you to join.
    1. To join a video chat, in the Incoming video call alert, click Answer . Your video feed opens.
      Note: If you enable Join conference automatically, Genesys Cloud does not offer you a preview and instead connects you directly to the video chat. For more information, see Change video chat settings.
    2. When you are ready to join, click Join Call.

    During a video chat, you can turn off your camera so that others cannot see your video feed. Genesys Cloud shows your profile picture in place of your video feed.

    To hide your video, from the video toolbar, click Turn off camera . The icon turns red to indicate that the camera is off.

    During a video chat, you can mute your microphone so that others cannot hear you. Genesys Cloud places a red microphone symbol on your video thumbnail in the video chat room to show you and others that you are on mute.

    To mute your microphone, from the video toolbar, click Mute microphone . The icon turns red to indicate that the microphone is off.

    To display your video chat in a new window, click Pop-out .
    To end a video chat, from the video toolbar, click Leave session .