Set Flow Outcome action

  • Architect > Flow Outcome > Add, Edit, Search, View permissions

Use this action to define a potential outcome that the system tracks as success or failure when an interaction reaches a certain point in the flow. This action is available in the Flow category of the task editor’s Toolbox for call, chat, email, and messaging flows, excluding in-queue call flows.

Important: Before you use this action, make sure to create flow outcomes in the Genesys Cloud Admin menu. For more information, see Add a flow outcome.

Administrators and contact center managers use flow outcomes to gather data about self-service success. This information helps determine how well Architect flows service the customer interaction and includes:

  • The total number of interactions that start a self-service operation.
  • The number and percentage of interactions that fail the self-service operation.
  • The number and percentage of interactions that successfully complete the self-service operation.
  • The length of time successful interactions spend in the self-service operation.

Flow outcome and flow milestone limits

An organization can include up to 1,000 flow milestones. You can edit the name and description, and you can delete a flow milestone. An organization can include up to 100 flow outcomes. You can edit the name and description of a flow outcome, but you cannot delete it. Because of these limitations, best practice recommends that you carefully consider flow outcome use before you create them.

In Architect flows, only the last 20 milestones per outcome and the last 100 milestones per flow is reported in analytics.

Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action, or leave the default text: Set Flow Outcome. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the call, chat, email, and messaging flow structure.
Flow Outcome

Click the list and choose the flow outcome for this task action. When an interaction encounters this outcome, the system updates the end date and time. Use this action multiple times for the same flow outcome.


  • If you do not use this action with Initialize Flow Outcome, then the system sets the start and end DateTime value to the time at which the action runs.
  • If you use the Initialize Flow Outcome, but the system does not reach Set Flow Outcome, then the end DateTime value is null.

Choose Failure or Success.

Set this value for the outcome. Architect knows the allowable set of flow outcome values and displays localized strings for the outcome values.