Schedule automatic software updates for a BYOC Premises Edge

  • Telephony > Plugin > All permission

Genesys Cloud has a default schedule for updating BYOC Premises Edges to the latest software version. The default window is every day from 2:00 A.M. to 5:00 A.M. You can also set a specific schedule.

To find out what software version your Edge is running, see Determine an Edge’s current software version.

When scheduling BYOC Premises Edge updates, keep in mind that the update procedure includes multiple steps and can take several hours to complete. The steps include call draining (which alone can take up to 90 minutes), the download of the update, and then the actual installation of the update. As such, you should schedule your Edge updates outside normal business hours to avoid any negative impact to normal business operations.

For more information, see Call draining.

  • The software update begins with a subset of the total number of Edges you have in your organization. Once the first set of Edges finishes the update and go back in-service, a second set of Edges begins the update. This process continues until all the Edges in your organization have been updated.
  • You cannot disable the Edge software update. An Edge without updated software can lose the ability to communicate with the cloud.
  • This setting only effects sites that contain the Edge. Configuring this setting on a site that is using another site’s Edges have no effect on the automatic update.

Schedule automatic updates

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Sites.
  3. Click a site. The page for that site appears.
  4. Click the General tab, and then scroll to the bottom of the page.
  1. From the Recurrence Type list, select Daily.
  2. From the Time Zone list, select the appropriate time zone.
  3. Select All day to allow an update to occur anytime during the day.
  4. Select Range to restrict the update window to a specific time.
    1. Change the digits and time period from the Start Time field to set the beginning of when the Edge can download software.
    2. Change the digits and time period from the End Time field to set the end of when the Edge can download software.
  5. Click Save Site.scheduleupdate_daily

Follow these steps to change the settings for weekly windows to download software:
  1. From the Recurrence Type list, select Weekly.
  2. From the Time Zone list, select the wanted time zone.
  3. From the Day settings, select the days when the Edge can download software.
  4. Select All day to allow an update to occur anytime during the day.
  5. Select Range to restrict the update window to a specific time.
    1. Change the digits and time period from the Start Time field to set the beginning of when the Edge can update software.
    2. Change the digits and time period from the End Time field to set the end of when the Edge can update software.
  6. Click Save Site.scheduleupdate_weekly