Retrieve archived interactions


  • Genesys Cloud User, Genesys Cloud Supervisor, Quality Administrator, or Quality Evaluator role

You can create a policy to move specific types of interactions to long-term storage. For example, you can choose to archive interactions over 90 days old or interactions from a specified queue. For more information about how to create an archive policy, see Create a policy.

After Genesys Cloud archives these interactions, you can retrieve them. 

  1. From the interaction’s detail page, in the This Recording Has Been Archived section, click Restore Recording.
  2. From the drop-down, choose how long you want to keep the restored recording. 
  3. After Genesys Cloud restores the interaction, you can listen to, annotate, and download the recording. 

Retrieve archived interactions.

  • Interactions in long-term storage can take several hours to restore.
  • Your organization can restore up to 100 archived interactions at a time. Genesys Cloud displays how many more recordings you can restore in the This Recording Has Been Archived section. If you do not have any restorations remaining, you can re-archive a restored interaction to gain another restoration. For more information, see Modify a recording’s archive or delete date