Port a large batch of DID numbers

Note: The procedure described in this article is specifically for porting numbers in the US and Canada. For more information about porting numbers other countries, see Port DID numbers in EMEA.

When porting smaller batches of DID numbers (less than 500) into Genesys Cloud Voice, using the Port In DID Numbers feature works great. However, when porting 500 or more DID numbers into Genesys Cloud Voice, you must use one of our other DID porting methods: bulk or email.

Note: Because it can take up to 10 days to know the exact date that your carrier releases your numbers, we recommend that you submit a port request 2–3 weeks in advance. This ensures coverage of the 10 days that it can take to get an exact date and also allows you to prepare for number porting.


There is no fee for the number porting operation. However, once the numbers are ported into Genesys Cloud Voice, you will incur any non-recurring charge (NRC), Monthly recurring charge (MRC), and usage fee associated with having your numbers in Genesys Cloud Voice. For more information, see Genesys Cloud Voice pricing.

SMS services

The Genesys Cloud Voice number porting process is specifically designed for voice service numbers. Any SMS services present on ported numbers will not be automatically transferred along with voice service. In fact, the SMS services will likely be disrupted by the port process.

If you would like to transfer your SMS service to Genesys Cloud along with your voice service, you need to take additional steps after you initiate the porting process. To begin, when you respond to your port submission confirmation email, please use Reply All and add a note to your message informing the team that you would like to port your SMS service along with the voice service. Our team will then begin the SMS service porting process.

If you would like your SMS service to remain with your current carrier, you will need to contact them after the voice port is complete and request that they reconnect the SMS service to the number.

Port DID numbers in bulk

To port DID numbers into Genesys Cloud Voice using the bulk procedure, you download a specially formatted spreadsheet template and add your numbers to it. You then use the Port DID Numbers in Bulk option to upload your spreadsheet. For more information, see Port DID numbers in bulk.

Port DID numbers by email

To port DID numbers into Genesys Cloud Voice using the email procedure, you download as specially formatted spreadsheet template and add your numbers to it. You then send the spreadsheet, by email, to our support technicians. For more information, see Port DID numbers by email.