Outbound dialing concepts

Conduct outbound campaigns. Reach out to customers and prospects.

Outbound dialing campaigns contact a list of people according to a prescribed set of rules. Campaigns place calls based on information in a contact list. Campaigns often have a script that defines the agent experience. When a screen pop happens, the script provides the agent with information about the call, customer, and campaign, based on behavior defined in the script. Agents collect or modify information to update the contact list. Outbound dialing keeps agent productivity high and idle time low.

Outbound dialing administrators set up campaigns to dial phone numbers automatically. Campaigns increase agent productivity by screening out answering machines, busy signals, and non-completed calls. By setting a campaign’s dialing mode, administrators can ensure that agents receive only those calls that reached a live person. The system waits 30 seconds for an answer to an outbound call before disconnecting. This action ensures that calls disconnect in a timely manner if a person does not answer.

Outbound admin tasks

To administer outbound dialing, an account admin assigns the outbound admin role to you. Your primary responsibility is to define and run campaigns. Common tasks include:

  • Define and manage contact lists (whom to call).
  • Define and manage contactable times (when to call).
  • Define and manage Do Not Contact lists (whom not to call).
  • Define and manage campaigns (settings used together to accomplish a particular objective).
  • Define and manage campaign sequences (run one campaign after another).
  • Define and manage wrap-up code mappings to flag a single number or the entire contact as uncallable, based on the wrap-up code assigned to an interaction.
  • Define and manage actions, call analysis responses, that Genesys Cloud Edge takes based on call analysis results.
  • Define and manage rule sets, which are collections of rules. Rules evaluate conditions to determine whether to carry out actions. A campaign can act based on logic in rule sets assigned to it.
  • Track changes and who made them (audit search).
  • Check for and troubleshoot errors that have occurred with your campaigns.
  • Configure campaign settings that apply to all campaigns in your organization.

An outbound dialing administrator uses the following pages:

Page Features you can configure

Campaigns Dashboard

View all campaigns that are currently in an active state. The dashboard indicates each campaign’s dialing mode with statistics that help an outbound dialing administrator track dialing progress, connect rate, and other details.

Campaign Management

Manage campaigns that tell the system whom, when, and how to contact a list of people. Specify which script agents see during campaign calls. Run campaigns singly or in sequence. Prevent campaigns from dialing numbers found in a do-not-call list.


Manage do-not-call and contact lists. Upload customer or prospect numbers to dial. Use automatic time zone mapping to determine compliant dialing times for contacts in a contact list. Upload numbers never to dial.

Contactable Time Sets

Manage when calls are placed by specifying when dialing can occur for particular time zones.

Call Analysis Responses

Call analysis detects whether a live person or an answering machine answers a call. Tell the system what action to take for each type of call analysis result. Assign the resulting response table to a campaign. Afterward, the Edge device acts on each call analysis result according to campaign settings.

Rule Sets

Manage rule sets, which are collections of rules. Rules evaluate conditions to determine whether to execute actions. A campaign can act based on logic in rule sets assigned to it.

Wrap-up Code Mappings

Configure outbound dialing to flag a single number or an entire contact as uncallable based on the wrap-up code assigned after an interaction.

Event viewer 

Check for and troubleshoot errors that have occurred with your campaigns.

Outbound settings

Configure campaign settings that apply to all campaigns in your organization.