Series: Real-time adherence

Navigate the real-time adherence view

The real-time adherence view combines adherence overview and agent details in one view. The overview includes the following sections and columns.

Area Description
Adherence percentage

This section represents agents who are:

  • The percentage of agents who are in adherence
  • The number agents in adherence (represented by the green circle)
  • The number of unscheduled agents (represented by the yellow circle)
  • The number of agents that are out of adherence (represented by the red circle)

In the view, hover over this section to view specific agent figures and percentages in more detail.

Impact percentage

This section summarizes how out of adherence agents affect the organization’s performance:

  • The percentage of all agents with a positive impact on performance
  • The number of all agents with a positive impact on performance (represented by a green circle)
  • The number of all agents with unknown, or neutral, impact on performance (represented by a yellow circle)
  • The number and percentage of all agents with a negative impact on performance (representated by a red circle)

In the view, hover over this section to view specific agent figures in more detail.

Scheduled percentage

This section summarizes:

  • The percentage of agents scheduled in an activity
  • The number of agents scheduled for an activity (represented by a green circle)
  • The number of agents whose activity schedule is unknown (represented by a yellow circle)

In the view, hover over this section to view specific agent figures and specific activities in more detail.

Actual percentage

This section represents:

  • The percentage of agents in actual activities
  • The number of agents in actual activities (represented by a green circle)
  • The number of unavailable agents, or agents in unknown activities (represented by a yellow circle)

In the view, hover over this section to view specific agent activities and status in more detail.

Agent column

The name of scheduled agent. 

  • To sort the chart in ascending or descending order, click the Agent header.
  • To apply a filter or narrow your search:
    1. Click the arrow to the right of the Agent header.
    2. In the Filter Column box , enter a few letters of the agent’s name and click Apply
  • To remove the filter, click the red x next to the agent name.
Adherence Status column

The current adherence status of agents in the management unit. To narrow the list by type of adherence, click the arrow to the right of the column header and choose an option from the list. Options include:

  • Any
  • In Adherence
  • Out of Adherence
  • Unscheduled
  • Ignored
  • Unknown
Adherence Duration column

The amount of time, represented in days, hours, minutes, and seconds, that the adherence exception has been happening. To narrow the duration view:

  1. Click the arrow to the right of the column heading.
  2. Choose a measurement from the list. Options include:
    • Less than or equal to
    • Greater than or equal to
    • Equal to
  3. Enter the numeric duration.
  4. Press Enter.
Status Duration column

The agent’s length of time in the current status. The duration restarts if the Out of Office flag is set to true, else if presence is On Queue and routing status changes to Not Responding, else the last time presence was changed.

Scheduled Activity column

The list of scheduled activities. To narrow the list, click the arrow to the right of the column heading and choose a measurement from the list.

Actual Activity column

The list of actual agent activity. To narrow the list, click the arrow to the right of the column heading and choose a measurement from the list.

Status column

The agent’s current status. To narrow the list, click the arrow to the right of the column heading and choose a status from the list. Choose from:

  • Any
  • Available
  • Away
  • Busy
  • Offline
  • Idle (Away)
  • On Queue
  • Meal
  • Training
  • Meeting
  • Break
  • Out of Office
  • Unknown

The queue to which the agent belongs.

Secondary Status column

If an agent sets a secondary status, that status appears in this column. This column helps administrators and supervisors monitor out-of-adherence events.

Note: The agent can view the secondary status based on the division and permissions that an administrator assigns to the agent. If the agent does not have permission to view secondary statuses in the division that contains a particular secondary status, the status appears as Restricted instead of the status name.

Impact column

The result of out of adherence agents on performance. Impact helps supervisors determine if out of adherence agents are helping, hurting, or have no impact on the company.

Note: To be in adherence for scheduled on queue activity, the agent must be in the On Queue presence and also be in either Idle, Interacting, or Communicating routing status. The last routing status for concurrent interaction scenarios dictates the agent’s perceived routing status.

To narrow the impact view, click the arrow to the right of the column header and choose a measurement from the list. Options include:

Impact Description
Any Any impact value.
Positive The agent’s presence is On Queue when he or she is not scheduled to be on queue. For example, the agent is scheduled for a break, but remains on queue.
Negative The agent’s presence is not On Queue when he or she is scheduled to be on queue. For example, the agent is scheduled to be on queue, but takes an unplanned break.
Neutral The agent’s presence is not On Queue and he or she is not scheduled to be on queue. For example, the agent is scheduled for training and has a presence of Training, Meeting, or some other presence other than On Queue.
Unknown The system is unable to determine the impact. For example, presence information unable to be obtained.

Click this button to show or hide columns, or to reset the columns to the default settings.

Pin agent

Enable this pin to move an agent to the top of the real-time adherence view. This feature allows supervisors to closely monitor particular agents. Pinned agents remain at the top of the view even if you change filter options.

Disable the pin to stop monitoring an agent.

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