Modify a script variable

Typically, scripts modify the value of variables. But, you can manually change the value of any variable or change its name and description:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Contact Center, click Scripts.
  3. Click the name of the script you want to edit.
  1. To open a list of the variables known to the script, click Variables .

  2. To edit a variable, click its name.

  3. Update the variable name, description, or value.

  4. String, number, and true/false variables have input and output properties that determine how data appears outside the script. For more information about these properties, see Input and output variables.

    1. (Optional) To direct the script to save the value for external use, enable the Output property. When the script runs, it exports the value to external storage. Therefore, the variable is an output variable.

    2. (Optional) To direct the script to assign a value from an external source, such as an Architect call flow, enable the Input property. Because the script imports the value from an external source, the variable is an input variable.

  5. Click Apply.