External contact management scenarios

The following are examples of different single customer view scenarios on the profile panel.

Scenario Illustration

An existing contact with multiple matches

Prerequisite: External Contacts > Identify > Merge permission 

Single customer view auto stitches an interaction to an external contact considered to be the best match that is the first created external contact with an identifier, for example, a phone number for a voice call, an email address for an email, and a social identifier for a Genesys cookie. If Genesys Cloud finds other external contacts for that identifier, the search box is auto populated with that identifier and does a search. The search results show other external contacts related to that identifier.

For example,

  • A contact named Alexis is created with her phone number +1 803-123-0000 on February 4.
  • Another contact named David is created with the same phone number +1 803-123-0000 on March 20.
  • On receiving a phone call from +1 803-123-0000, the interaction is auto stitched to Alexis and not David as Alexis is the first created external contact with the phone number. 


  • Only if the agent deletes the first created external contact from the system manually or via API, Genesys Cloud points the interaction to the next created external contact.
  • If you determine that this contact is incorrect, then to unlink the contact, in the upper right corner, click Unlink .

Inbound call interaction 

Profile panel with existing contact interaction

No existing contact for the identifier

Prerequisite: External Contacts > Identify > Promote permission

If the agent identifies that the existing external contact is not the best match for that interaction, the agent can choose the best match from the other possible external contact and link that interaction to the external contact. If Genesys Cloud cannot find the existing external contact using the contact identifiers, Genesys Cloud displays the Provided contact data box. The agent can click the Create Contact button to create and save the external contact. 

For more information about creating a contact, see Add a contact

Email interaction

The Profile panel with a social channel identifier and no name

A web messaging interaction 

PrerequisiteExternal Contacts > Identify > Promote permission

If a web messaging interaction does not have a related email address or phone number, the single customer view uses a Genesys cookie to create a temporary or ephemeral contact.

Because the identifier information does not include the contact’s name, the single customer view does not display a name and saves the Genesys cookie with the ephemeral contact. The Genesys cookie does not appear on the External Contact record.

To save the contact, click Create Contact. Then, enter the customer’s information and click Save. The first name and last name are required to save the contact.

Web messaging interaction

The Profile panel for a web messaging interaction with no name found

Add a contact

The New Contact window that shows the fields you use to add a new contact

Callback and campaign interactions

The single customer view does not currently support campaign callbacks and campaigns. The single customer view automatically populates the phone number in the search box and automatically searches for the contact during campaign callbacks and campaigns.

The agent can now select an existing contact or create a new contact with the phone number of the campaign. The single customer view makes it easier for the agents to manually add the interaction to the correct contact. The customer conversation data does not appear in the Customer Journey tab.

To search for a contact, in the search box, type the phone number, and then select it from the results.

Search for a contact

The new search window shows the related searches while entering the phone number

New visit with Website Form Fill

This scenario describes a web message with data collected from a web form fill. The data includes the contact’s name, phone number, and email address.

The single customer view automatically searches for an existing External Contact using an identifier such as phone number and email address and displays the existing contact, if any. If necessary, the agent can manually search for a contact and view the matching results. If necessary, the agent can also merge all the contact details with the existing contact.

To search for a contact, in the search box, type the phone number, and then select it from the results.

For more information about different external contact user scenarios with Predictive Engagement, see External contact enrichment scenarios with Predictive Engagement

Web messaging interaction

The Profile panel for a web messaging interaction with no name found

Social messaging interaction

If the single customer view does not find an existing contact with the social identifier, then the Provided contact data box appears. 

To save the contact, click Create Contact. Then, enter the customer’s information and click Save.

Note: For WhatsApp interactions, the single customer view does not automatically search on the WhatsApp phone number. The single customer view saves the number as a WhatsApp identifier under Channels.


WhatsApp messaging interaction

The Profile panel with a social channel identifier and no name


All current and previous interactions that relate to the contact appear on the Customer Journey tab.The Customer Journey tab icon