Events in Salesforce

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

You can configure the integration to fire or listen for events either in the Salesforce console in Salesforce Classic or in all versions of Lightning Experience (with the postMessage API or Lightning Message Service). The types of events and the way that you fire or listen for them depends on the Salesforce user interface that you use.

Note: This advanced customization article is intended for developers who are familiar with Salesforce.

Important: Genesys recommends that new development for Lightning Experience use Lightning Message Service (LMS), not the postMessage API. Salesforce plans to release LMS in Summer ’20. Genesys will eventually deprecate the use of the postMessage Web API.

Through the event model in the Salesforce Console Integration Toolkit, the integration fires and listens for events being raised around the following items:

  • Status changes (such as Available, Busy, Away, Out of Office, and On Queue)
  • Call activities (connected, disconnected, ACW required, ACW completed)
  • Interaction state changes (pickup, disconnect, mute, hold, secure pause, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, concludeTransfer, secureSession)

Developers can create Visualforce pages that use these events. For example code, see Events in Salesforce Classic Console App (GitHub).

For information about the Salesforce console, see Customize a Console with Custom Components in Salesforce Classic in the Salesforce documentation.

For information about using the event model, see the Salesforce Console Integration Toolkit for Salesforce Classic in the Salesforce documentation.

The integration can fire the following events and send them to Salesforce.

Note: These event names begin with inin.salesforce.constants.consoleevent.pc., followed by the name in the list, for example, inin.salesforce.constants.consoleevent.pc.UPDATE_STATUS.


ACW completed.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of event.
interactionId String ID of the interaction.


    "reason": "acw_completed",
    "interactionId": "44560c74-5e84-4062-94b6-5680cdeb54d5" 


ACW required.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of event.
interactionId String ID of the interaction.


    "reason": "acw_required",
    "interactionId": "44560c74-5e84-4062-94b6-5680cdeb54d5"


Client event.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of event.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
category String The type of event.

For possible values, see Events per subscription type (Genesys Cloud Developer Center) in the Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework documentation.

data Object


    "reason": "client",
    "data": {
        "type": "Notification",
        "category": "interactionSelection",
	"data": { }



Interaction state change.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of action.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
category String The type of event. Valid values: change, add.
data Object


    "reason": "interaction",
    "data": {
	"category": "change",
	"data": { }


Interaction connected.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of event.
interactionId String ID of the interaction.


    "reason": "connected",
    "interactionId": “44560c74-5e84-4062-94b6-5680cdeb54d5″


Interaction disconnected.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of event.
interactionId String ID of the interaction.


    "reason": "disconnected",
    "interactionId": “44560c74-5e84-4062-94b6-5680cdeb54d5″


User logged out.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of event.


    "reason": "logged_out"


User logged out.


Name Data type Description Notes
reason String The type of event.
status String The agent's status.
id String ID of the selected status (primary or secondary).
sub_status String The agent's secondary status. If the integration uses secondary statuses, the response includes secondary status information.


    "reason": "status_updated",
    "status": "AVAILABLE",
    "id": "44560c74-5e84-4062-94b6-5680cdeb54d5",
    "sub_status":"Available Work At Home"

The integration exposes the following actions about status changes and changes to an agent's status.

Note: These actions begin with inin.salesforce.constants.consoleevent., followed by the name in the list, for example, inin.salesforce.constants.consoleevent.changestatus.


Adds a new contact or relation association to interaction logs.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String Type of the association.

Values: contact and relation.

The contact value populates the Name menu and the relation value populates the Related To menu in the Interaction log view of the embedded client interface.

Note: Ensure that you associate contact value with WhoId and relation value with WhatId of the Task record in Salesforce. If you associate with incompatible record fields, then any requests to save call logs fail. For more information about Task record fields, see Salesforce documentation.

id String ID of the association.
text String Displayed name of the association.
select Boolean
  • true: The integration auto selects the association for all active interactions.
  • false: The integration does not auto select the association for all active interactions.
interactionId String ID of the interaction to receive the association.  If select is set to true, the integration adds the association only to the interaction with this ID.


In this example, the integration adds a new contact association with the ID 1234 and the displayed name John Smith to an interaction.

  "type": "PureCloud.addAssociation",  
  "data": { 
      "type": "contact", 
      "id": "1234", 
      "text": "John Smith"


Adds custom attributes to interactions.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the actions.


Name Data type Description Notes
id String ID of the interaction.
attributes Object Key-value pairs of custom interaction attributes.


    "data": {
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "attributes": {
            "record_url": "/0000413456"


Updates the state of an interaction.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
action String Desired state of the interaction.

Values: pickup, disconnect, hold, mute, securePause, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, concludeTransfer, secureSession. 

Only use concludeTransfer for consult transfers and secureSession for secure IVR flows.

id String ID of the interaction.
participantContext Object See participantContext object. Only use participantContext when action is set to blindTransfer or consultTransfer.
secureSessionContext Object See secureSessionContext object. Only use secureSessionContext when action is set to secureSession.

participantContext object

Defines the entity receiving the transfer.


Name Data type Description Notes
transferTarget String ID of an agent or queue, flow name, flow ID, or phone number for an external transfer.

Prefix flow name or flow ID with sip:, for example, sip:AuditorSecureFlow.

Encode special characters with the encodeURIComponent() method.

transferTargetType String Type of transfer entity.

Values: userId, queueId, address.

Use address with a flow name, a flow ID, or a phone number for an external transfer in transferTarget.

secureSessionContext object

Defines the entity receiving the transfer.


Name Data type Required or optional Description Notes
flowId String Required ID of the secure flow to receive the transferred interaction.
userData String Required Customer-provided data.

Maps to the Flow.InvocationData variable in the secure flow.

Warning: Do not use secure or PCI data with userData.

disconnect Boolean Optional Disconnects the interaction after creating the secure session (true) or does not disconnect the interaction after creating the secure session (false).


The following example shows an interaction transferred to an agent or queue without consultation.

    "data": {
        "action": "blindTransfer",
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "participantContext": {
            "transferTarget": "3175550123",
            "transferTargetType": "address"

The following example shows an interaction transferred to a secure IVR flow.

    "data": {
        "action": "secureSession",
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "secureSessionContext": {
            "flowId": "741f4f39-7a94-470d-a1dd-dd68d01e0dd8",
            "userData": "hello",
            "disconnect": false


Updates user status.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
id String ID of the interaction.


    "data": {
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234"


Creates a conference from multiple interactions.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.


data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
interactionIds Array List of interactions IDs added to the conference.


    "data": {
        "interactionIds": [ 


Subscribes to client events.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.


data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String Type of event to subscribe to. Values: Interaction, Notification, UserAction.
categories Array of strings Individual categories to receive notifications about. Values: See Events per subscription type.

Events per subscription type

Event Category Data
Interaction Data type: String Possible values: add, change, connect, disconnect, acw, deallocate, callbackPlaced, callbackCallEnded, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, or completeConsultTransfer. Data type: Object or Interaction ID
Notification Data type: String Possible values: interactionSelection, chatUpdate, interactionWindow, conversationTranscription.
UserAction Data type: String Possible values: login, logout, station, status, modal, routingStatus, or view. Data type: Object or string


    "data": {
        "type": "Notification",
        "categories": ["interactionSelection", "chatUpdate", "interactionWindow", "conversationTranscription"]

See CLIENT_EVENT in Events for details about how you receive the message for the subscribed client events.

Through the postMessage Web APIs, the integration can fire and listen for events being raised around status changes, interaction state changes, and subscriptions to Interaction, Notification, or UserActions events.

For example code, see Events in Salesforce Lightning App (GitHub).

Event name Description
Handshake If Window.postMessage API is selected in the Client Event Settings, the integration raises a handshake event whenever the client loads. The handshake event provides the context that Lightning components need to be able to fire events to the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce client.

Fires interaction state changes.

Possible values: add, change, connect, disconnect, acw, deallocate, callbackPlaced, callbackCallEnded, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, completeConsultTransfer, secureSession.


Fires notification state changes.

Possible values: interactionSelection, chatUpdate, interactionWindow, conversationTranscription, messageUpdate.


Fires user action state changes. 

Possible values: login, logout, station, status, modal, routingStatus, view.

For more information, see Events per subscription type (Genesys Cloud Developer Center) in the Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework documentation.

Note: All callback parameters described in the Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework documentation are available in the postMessage data payload along with the added root type. See the Communicate with Genesys Cloud for Salesforce section.

Administrators configure the call center settings so that the integration fires and listens for events.

  1. In Salesforce, click Setup.
  2. Search for Installed Packages.
  3. Under Build, click Installed Packages.
  4. On the Installed Packages page, click Configure next to the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce package.
  5. Under Client Event Settings, configure the following items for Client Event Messages:
  6. For Client Event Message Type, select Window.postMessage API.

    This setting causes the integration to raise a handshake event whenever the client loads. 

  7. (Optional) For Client Event Types, select other events (Interaction, Notification, and UserAction) to subscribe to. Click Arrow to add them under Chosen.
  8. (Optional) Select Expand Chat Notification to receive an expanded payload for chat notification events.
  9. Click Save.

Note: If you add a Lighting component as a Utility Item to your Lightning app, be sure to select Start automatically. For more information, see Add a Utility Bar to Lighting Apps in the Salesforce documentation.

For more information, see Configure client events.

The Genesys Cloud for Salesforce client exposes the following actions raised through the postMessage Web APIs.


Adds a new contact or relation association to interaction logs.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String Type of the association.

Values: contact and relation.

The contact value populates the Name menu and the relation value populates the Related To menu in the Interaction log view of the embedded client interface.

Note: Ensure that you associate contact value with WhoId and relation value with WhatId of the Task record in Salesforce. If you associate with incompatible record fields, then any requests to save call logs fail. For more information about Task record fields, see Salesforce documentation.

id String ID of the association.
text String Displayed name of the association.
select Boolean
  • true: The integration auto selects the association for all active interactions.
  • false: The integration does not auto select the association for all active interactions.
interactionId String ID of the interaction to receive the association.  If select is set to true, the integration adds the association only to the interaction with this ID.


In this example, the integration adds a new contact association with the ID 1234 and the displayed name John Smith to an interaction.

  "type": "PureCloud.addAssociation",  
  "data": { 
      "type": "contact", 
      "id": "1234", 
      "text": "John Smith"


Adds custom attributes to interactions.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
id String ID of the interaction.
attributes Object Key-value pairs of custom interaction attributes.


    "type": "PureCloud.Interaction.addCustomAttributes", 
    "data": {
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "attributes": {
            "record_url": "/0000413456"


Creates a conference from multiple interactions.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
interactionIds Array List of interactions IDs added to the conference.


    "type": "PureCloud.Interaction.createConference", 
    "data": {
        "interactionIds": [


Updates the state of an interaction.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
action String Desired state of the interaction.

Values: pickup, disconnect, hold, mute, securePause, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, concludeTransfer, secureSession. 

Only use concludeTransfer for consult transfers and secureSession for secure IVR flows.

id String ID of the interaction.
participantContext Object See participantContext object. Only use participantContext when action is set to blindTransfer or consultTransfer.
secureSessionContext Object See secureSessionContext object. Only use secureSessionContext when action is set to secureSession.

participantContext object

Defines the entity receiving the transfer.


Name Data type Description Notes
transferTarget String ID of an agent or queue, flow name, flow ID, or phone number for an external transfer.

Prefix flow name or flow ID with sip:, for example, sip:AuditorSecureFlow.

Encode special characters with the encodeURIComponent() method.

transferTargetType String Type of transfer entity.

Values: userId, queueId, address.

Use address with a flow name, a flow ID, or a phone number for an external transfer in transferTarget.

secureSessionContext object

Defines the entity receiving the transfer.


Name Data type Required or optional Description Notes
flowId String Required ID of the secure flow to receive the transferred interaction.
userData String Required Customer-provided data.

Maps to the Flow.InvocationData variable in the secure flow.

Warning: Do not use secure or PCI data with userData.

disconnect Boolean Optional Disconnects the interaction after creating the secure session (true) or does not disconnect the interaction after creating the secure session (false).


The following example shows an interaction transferred to an agent or queue without consultation.

    "type": "PureCloud.Interaction.updateState", 
    "data": {
        "action": "blindTransfer",
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "participantContext": {
            "transferTarget": "3175550123",
            "transferTargetType": "address"

The following example shows an interaction transferred to a secure IVR flow.

    "type": "PureCloud.Interaction.updateState", 
    "data": {
        "action": "secureSession",
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "secureSessionContext": {
            "flowId": "741f4f39-7a94-470d-a1dd-dd68d01e0dd8",
            "userData": "hello",
            "disconnect": false,


Updates user status.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
id String ID of the interaction.


    "type": "PureCloud.User.updateStatus", 
    "data": {
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234"


Subscribes to client events.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String Type of event to subscribe to. Values: Interaction, Notification, UserAction.
categories Array of strings Individual categories to receive notifications about. Values: See Events per subscription type.


Events per subscription type

Event Category Data
Interaction Data type: String
Possible values: add, change, connect, disconnect, acw, deallocate, callbackPlaced, callbackCallEnded, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, or completeConsultTransfer.
Data type: Object or Interaction ID
Notification Data type: String
Possible values: interactionSelection, chatUpdate, interactionWindow, conversationTranscription.
UserAction Data type: String
Possible values: login, logout, station, status, modal, routingStatus, or view.
Data type: Object or string


 "type": "PureCloud.subscribe",
 "data": {
     "type": "Notification",
     "categories": ["interactionSelection", "chatUpdate", "interactionWindow", "conversationTranscription"]

Create a Lighting component so Salesforce can listen for and fire the events selected in the call center settings. 

  1. Add Apex, component, and JavaScript files to the Developer Console in Salesforce.

    You can download sample files from the PureCloud for Salesforce Einstein Example repository in GitHub.

    For more information, see Developer Console File Menu in the Salesforce documentation.

  2. Set the type and id for source in the JavaScript file.

    This setting allows you to change statuses in the client.

        type: 'PureCloud.User.updateStatus',
        data: { id: status },
  3. If your administrator configured the integration to fire Interaction, Notification, or UserActions events, subscribe to these events in the JavaScript file.

    For more information, see the subscribe method in the Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework documentation (Genesys Cloud Developer Center).

Through Lightning Message Service, the integration can fire and listen for events being raised around status changes, interaction state changes, and subscriptions to InitialSetup, Interaction, Notification, or UserActions events.

For example code, see Events in Salesforce Lightning App (GitHub).

Event name Description

Indicates that the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce client is ready to process requests. The event indicates that the Lightning components can subscribe to the client events.


Fires interaction state changes.

Possible values: add, change, connect, disconnect, acw, deallocate, callbackPlaced, callbackCallEnded, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, completeConsultTransfer, secureSession.


Fires notification state changes.

Possible values: interactionSelection, chatUpdate, interactionWindow, conversationTranscription, messageUpdate.


Fires user action state changes. 

Possible values: login, logout, station, status, modal, routingStatus, view.

For more information, see Events per subscription type (Genesys Cloud Developer Center) in the Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework documentation.

Note: All callback parameters described in the Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework documentation are available in the Lightning Message Service data payload along with the added root type. See the Communicate with Genesys Cloud for Salesforce section.

Administrators configure the call center settings so that the integration fires and listens for events.

  1. In Salesforce, click Setup.
  2. Search for Installed Packages.
  3. Under Build, click Installed Packages.
  4. On the Installed Packages page, click Configure next to the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce package.
  5. Under Client Event Settings, configure the following items for Client Event Messages:
  6. For Client Event Message Type, select Lightning Message Channel

    This setting causes the integration to send messages on the message channel. 

  7. (Optional) For Client Event Types, select other events (Interaction, Notification, and UserAction) to subscribe to. Click Arrow to add them under Chosen.
  8. (Optional) Select Expand Chat Notification to receive an expanded payload for chat notification events.
  9. Click Save.

Note: If you add a Lighting component as a Utility Item to your Lightning app, be sure to select Start automatically. For more information, see Add a Utility Bar to Lighting Apps in the Salesforce documentation.

For more information, see Configure client events.

The Genesys Cloud for Salesforce client exposes the following actions raised through Lightning Message Service.


Adds a new contact or relation association to interaction logs.


Name Data type Description Notes
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String Type of the association.

Values: contact and relation.

The contact value populates the Name menu and the relation value populates the Related To menu in the Interaction log view of the embedded client interface.

Note: Ensure that you associate contact value with WhoId and relation value with WhatId of the Task record in Salesforce. If you associate with incompatible record fields, then any requests to save call logs fail. For more information about Task record fields, see Salesforce documentation.

id String ID of the association.
text String Displayed name of the association.
select Boolean
  • true: The integration auto selects the association for all active interactions.
  • false: The integration does not auto select the association for all active interactions.
interactionId String ID of the interaction to receive the association.  If select is set to true, the integration adds the association only to the interaction with this ID.


In this example, the integration adds a new contact association with the ID 1234 and the displayed name John Smith to an interaction.

  "type": "PureCloud.addAssociation",  
  "data": { 
      "type": "contact", 
      "id": "1234", 
      "text": "John Smith"


Adds custom attributes to interactions.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
id String ID of the interaction.
attributes Object Key-value pairs of custom interaction attributes.


    "type": "PureCloud.Interaction.addCustomAttributes",
    "data": {
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "attributes": {
            "record_url": "/0000413456"


Creates a conference from multiple interactions.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
interactionIds Array List of interactions IDs added to the conference.


    "type": "PureCloud.Interaction.createConference", 
    "data": {
        "interactionIds": [


Updates the state of an interaction.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
action String Desired state of the interaction.

Values: pickup, disconnect, hold, mute, securePause, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, concludeTransfer, secureSession. 

Only use concludeTransfer for consult transfers and secureSession for secure IVR flows.

id String ID of the interaction.
participantContext Object See participantContext object. Only use participantContext when action is set to blindTransfer or consultTransfer.
secureSessionContext Object See secureSessionContext object. Only use secureSessionContext when action is set to secureSession.

participantContext object

Defines the entity receiving the transfer.


Name Data type Description Notes
transferTarget String ID of an agent or queue, flow name, flow ID, or phone number for an external transfer.

Prefix flow name or flow ID with sip:, for example, sip:AuditorSecureFlow.

Encode special characters with the encodeURIComponent() method.

transferTargetType String Type of transfer entity.

Values: userId, queueId, address.

Use address with a flow name, a flow ID, or a phone number for an external transfer in transferTarget.

secureSessionContext object

Defines the entity receiving the transfer.


Name Data type Required or optional Description Notes
flowId String Required ID of the secure flow to receive the transferred interaction.
userData String Required Customer-provided data.

Maps to the Flow.InvocationData variable in the secure flow.

Warning: Do not use secure or PCI data with userData.

disconnect Boolean Optional Disconnects the interaction after creating the secure session (true) or does not disconnect the interaction after creating the secure session (false).


The following example shows an interaction transferred to an agent or queue without consultation.

    "type": "PureCloud.Interaction.updateState", 
    "data": {
        "action": "blindTransfer",
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "participantContext": {
            "transferTarget": "3175550123",
            "transferTargetType": "address"

The following example shows an interaction transferred to a secure IVR flow.

    "type": "PureCloud.interaction.updateState", 
    "data": {
        "action": "secureSession",
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
        "secureSessionContext": {
            "flowId": "741f4f39-7a94-470d-a1dd-dd68d01e0dd8",
            "userData": "hello",
            "disconnect": false,


Updates user status.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
id String ID of the status.


    "type": "PureCloud.User.updateStatus",
    "data": {
        "id": "1234-1234-1234-1234"


Subscribes to client events.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String The type of action. PureCloud. + the action name.
data Object See data object.

data object

Defines the action.


Name Data type Description Notes
type String Type of event to subscribe to. Values: Interaction, Notification, UserAction.
categories Array of strings Individual categories to receive notifications about. Values: See Events per subscription type.


Events per subscription type

Event Category Data
Interaction Data type: String
Possible values: add, change, connect, disconnect, acw, deallocate, callbackPlaced, callbackCallEnded, blindTransfer, consultTransfer, or completeConsultTransfer.
Data type: Object or Interaction ID
Notification Data type: String
Possible values: interactionSelection, chatUpdate, interactionWindow, conversationTranscription.
UserAction Data type: String
Possible values: login, logout, station, status, modal, routingStatus, or view.
Data type: Object or string


 "type": "PureCloud.subscribe",
 "data": {
     "type": "Notification",
     "categories": ["interactionSelection", "chatUpdate", "interactionWindow", "conversationTranscription"]

To subscribe to the message channel, install version 3.12 or later of the PureCloud for Salesforce managed package. These versions of the managed package include the purecloud__ClientEvent__c channel that receives all messages. After you subscribe to purecloud__ClientEvent__c, Salesforce can listen for and fire the events selected in the call center settings. 

The method of implementation varies, depending on the components that you use. The following example code shows how to use LMS with a Lightning Aura component.

Subscribe to Lightning messages on the purecloud__ClientEvent__c channel for an Aura component.

<lightning:messageChannel type="purecloud__ClientEvent__c" aura:id="clientEventMessageChannel" onMessage="{!c.onClientEvent}" scope="APPLICATION"/>

To receive Lightning messages, create an onClientEvent.

    onClientEvent: function (component, message, helper) {
        var eventData = message.getParams();
        if (eventData) {
            if(eventData.type === 'Interaction' && {
		console.log(‘Interaction ID: ‘ +;

To send Lightning messages, publish the events that the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce client listens for. For a list of events, see the Communicate with Genesys Cloud for Salesforce section.

    type: 'PureCloud.User.updateStatus',
    data: { id: status }

For other examples, see Lightning Message Service [Developer Preview] in the Salesforce Developers Blog.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.