Create and publish an evaluation form

Feature coming soon: AI scoring in quality evaluation forms


  • Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2, or Genesys Cloud CX 3 license
  • Quality administrator permissions

Evaluation forms measure script adherence, compliance with business practices, customer satisfaction, or other business benchmarks.

When you create an evaluation form, consider the following evaluation form limits.

  • Form name: 250 characters
  • Form max question count: 200 questions
  • Question group name: 250 characters
  • Question text length: 500 characters
  • Evaluation assistance condition: A maximum of 10 topics total for one answer
  • Limit for questions with AI scoring: 15

When you create an evaluation form, one or more of the following icons may appear:

Icon Description

Enablement is not applicable

N/A enabled

Comments required

Comments required

Critical question

Critical question

Fatal question

Fatal question

Display question conditionally

Display conditionally

Evaluation assistance

Evaluation assistance

AI scoring

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Quality, click Evaluation Forms.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Evaluation Form Name field, enter a name for the evaluation form. 
  5. In the Question Group Name field, enter a name for the first question group. A question group is a label that categorizes a set of questions, for example, Product Knowledge.
    Note: When you begin to create the first group, an evaluation form table of contents appears under the Content tab. This table of contents grows as you add more questions and groups to your evaluation form.
  6. (Optional) Select the Scoring tab on the right side of the screen, and turn on the Scaled Scoring On option. If scaled scoring is enabled, in the Group Score Scaling Factor field under the Question Group Name, assign a numeric weighting factor for the question group.
    Note: You can add a group and answer score directly in the group and answer itself. You can also add/change a group and answer score from the Score tab in the right side of the screen. For more information about weights, see Evaluation form weights.
  7. In the Question Group Properties area, select the following options:
    • N/A Enabled Question Group: Allows evaluators to select N/A (not applicable), which skips all questions in the group.

    • Answers Default To: Specifies whether you assign answers to the highest scoring answer or N/A by default.

      Note: If you select both options, the default selection is the N/A option for a question that has N/A as an answer.

    • Display Conditionally: This option allows you to set criteria for whether this question group is shown. 

  8. Select Add Question and select one of the following question types. By default, you can insert a multiple choice, range, or yes/no question. If they are available, then you can insert custom question types.

    Note: At each question, you can set automated scoring. If you set automated scoring, Genesys Cloud automatically pre-fills the evaluation form based on your preferences you have set. You have three options to choose from: No Automation, AI Scoring and Evaluation Assistance. For more information, see Automated scoring options in evaluation forms.

    A multiple-choice question allows the respondent to select a single answer from a list of choices.

    1. In the Question field, enter the question name.  

    2. In the Help Text field (optional), add explanatory text about the question. In the evaluation form, the explanatory text appears as a tooltip. 

      To preview the explanatory text, click Preview Form Off and then move your cursor over the question mark. 

      To return to edit mode, click Preview Form On.

    3. Enter an answer in each of the fields provided. Click +Add Answer to add another answer to the multiple-choice question.
    4. Add numeric values to the Points box. Generally, correct answers have a value of one. Incorrect answers have a value of zero.
    5. (Optional) Click +Add Evaluation Assistance Condition.
      Note: Select the Add Evaluation Assistance Condition option to configure the system to automatically fill out evaluation forms based on what speech and text analytics detects throughout the interaction. For more information, see Automated scoring options in evaluation forms.
    6. (Optional) Select one or more of the following options.
      Add N/A as an AnswerIn the evaluation form, an N/A check box appears. If the respondent selects N/A, then other choices in the question are cleared and unavailable.
      Require Additional Comments: This selection requires a respondent to add comments after an answer.
      Display This Question Conditionally: This option allows you to set criteria for whether this question is shown.
      Critical Question and Fatal Question: The Critical Question and Fatal Question check boxes work together.
      Note: A critical question requires the respondent to select one of only two possible answers. Assign the correct answer a value of one. Assign the incorrect answer to a value of zero. If the respondent selects the incorrect answer and the question is a Fatal Question, when an evaluator scores the evaluation, the fail result is assigned. To select Fatal Question, first select Critical Question.
    7. To delete an answer, select the answer and click Trash .
    8. To reuse this question on other forms, click Save As Template. Add a descriptive name in the Template Name field and then click Save.
    9. To add the exact question to your question favorites list, select Make this a favorite template.
    10. To complete the question, click Done.

    A range question prompts the respondent to select a single numeric answer, for example, to rank agent performance from 1 to 5. You can customize the answer to display any numeric or string choice, and you can configure the score for each answer.

    1. In the Question field, enter the question name.  

    2. In the Help Text field (optional), add explanatory text about the question. In the evaluation form, the explanatory text appears as a tooltip. 

      To preview the explanatory text, click Preview Form Off and then move your cursor over the question mark. 

      To return to edit mode, click Preview Form On.

    3. Enter an answer in each of the fields provided. Click +Add Answer to add another answer to the multiple-choice question.
    4. Add numeric values to the Points box. Generally, correct answers have a value of one. Incorrect answers have a value of zero.
    5. (Optional) Click the +Add Evaluation Assistance Condition.
      Note: Selecting the Add Evaluation Assistance Condition option enables you to configure the system to automatically fill out evaluation forms based on what was detected by speech and text analytics throughout the interaction. For more information, Automated scoring options in evaluation forms.
    6. (Optional) Select one or more of the following options.
      Add N/A as an Answer: In the evaluation form, an N/A check box appears. If the respondent selects N/A, then other choices in the question are cleared and unavailable. 
      Require Additional Comments: This selection requires a respondent to add comments after an answer. 
      Display This Question Conditionally: This option allows you to set criteria for whether this question is shown. 
      Critical Question
       and Fatal Question: The Critical Question and Fatal Question check boxes work together. 
      Note: A critical question requires the respondent to select one of only two possible answers. Assign the correct answer to a value of one. Assign the incorrect answer to a value of zero. If the respondent selects the incorrect answer and the question is a Fatal Question, when an evaluator scores the evaluation, the fail result is assigned. To select Fatal Question, first select Critical Question.
    7. To delete an answer, select the answer and click Trash .
    8. To reuse this question on other forms, click Save As Template. Add a descriptive name in the Template Name field and click Save.

    9. To add the exact question to your question favorites list, select Make this a favorite template.

    10. To complete the question, click Done.

    A yes/no question prompts the respondent for one answer. 

    1. In the Question field, enter the question name.  

    2. In the Help Text field (optional), add explanatory text about the question. In the evaluation form, the explanatory text appears as a tooltip. 

      To preview the explanatory text, click Preview Form Off in the right corner of the screen. Move your cursor over the question mark. 

      To return to edit mode, click Preview Form On.

    3. Enter an answer in each of the fields provided. Click +Add Answer to add another answer to the multiple-choice question.
    4. Add numeric values to the Points box. Generally, correct answers have a value of one. Incorrect answers have a value of zero.
    5. (Optional) Click the +Add Evaluation Assistance Condition.
      Note: An evaluation assistance condition can only be configured for one answer per question. 
      Selecting the Add Evaluation Assistance Condition option enables you to configure the system to automatically fill out evaluation forms based on what was detected by speech and text analytics throughout the interaction. For more information, seeAutomated scoring options in evaluation forms.
    6. (Optional) Select one or more of the following options.
      Add N/A as an Answer: In the evaluation form, an N/A check box appears. If the respondent selects N/A, then other choices in the question are cleared and unavailable. 
      Require Additional Comments: This selection requires a respondent to add comments after an answer. 
      Display This Question Conditionally: This option allows you to set criteria for whether this question is shown. 
      Critical Question
       and Fatal Question: The Critical Question and Fatal Question check boxes work together. 
      Note: A critical question requires the respondent to select one of only two possible answers. Assign the correct answer to a value of one. Assign the incorrect answer to a value of zero. If the respondent selects the incorrect answer and the question is a Fatal Question, when an evaluator scores the evaluation, the fail result is assigned. To select Fatal Question, first select Critical Question.
    7. To delete an answer, select the answer and click Trash .
    8. To reuse this question on other forms, click Save As Template. Add a descriptive name in the Template Name field and click Save.

    9. To add the exact question to your question favorites list, select Make this a favorite template.
    10. To complete the question, click Done.

  9. From the Add Question list, select Multiple Choice.
  10. To add another question to this question group, click Add Question.
  11. To add a new question group, click the name of the current question group and then click Add Question Group.
  12. Use the arrows next to the question group name to move the question group.
    Note: To move a question group, all of its answers must be complete.
  13. When you finish adding groups and questions, click Save.
    Note: If you do not configure a group or question properly, a red border appears around it. The Save button is not available until you properly configure all groups and questions.
  14. Click Publish Form.
    Note: You cannot assign a form to quality evaluators until you publish the form. The Publish Form button is not available until you click Save.
  15. (Optional) Click Preview Form On to preview the form.