Contact list filter conditions overview

When you create or edit a contact list filter, you define the conditions and condition groups that the campaign evaluates to determine the subset of contacts to dial.

Condition group

A condition group combines conditions that must all match (And) or only match one (Or) to meet the criteria for dialing the contact.

  • Create at least one condition group.
  • (Optional) Create multiple conditions within a condition group. Specify one operator type for the conditions in that group.
    Note: You can add a maximum of 10 conditions on a contact list filter.
  • (Optional) Create multiple condition groups. Specify one operator type for all the condition groups. 


A condition contains a column from the contact list to evaluate against, an operator (a way to evaluate), and a type of value to match. For example, dial all contacts within the contact list with a cell number (contact list column) that Begins With (operator) 317 (value).

Condition operators

Condition operators evaluate strings (Text), numbers (Numeric), or dates (Relative Time). 

Operator Description
Begins With
  • Evaluates that a contact column value begins with a given string. 
  • Requires: alphanumeric value. 
  • Example: State Begins with I. 
    • Would match: Illinois, Indiana, etc.
  • Evaluates that a contact column contains a given string. 
  • Requires: alphanumeric value. 
  • Example: State Contains s. 
    • Would match: Illinois, Arkansas, etc.
Ends With
  • Evaluates that a contact column value ends with a given string. 
  • Requires: alphanumeric value
  • Example: State ends with a.
    • Would match: Iowa, Indiana, etc.
  • Evaluates that a contact column value equals with a given string. 
  • Requires: alphanumeric value
  • Example: State is Indiana.
    • Would match: Indiana
Is Within Range
  • Evaluates that a contact column value falls within a given value range. 
  • Requires: alphanumeric minimum, alphanumeric maximum
  • Minimum must be less than the maximum
  • The minimum and maximum values can be included or not included
  • Example: State is between Alabama and California not including California.
    • Would match: Arkansas, Arizona, Alabama
    • Would not match: California, Indiana
Is Within Set
  • Evaluates that a contact column value equals one of the given values. 
  • Requires: list of alphanumeric string values
  • Example: State is in set Indiana, California
    • Would match: California, Indiana
    • Would not match: Illinois, Arizona

Note: When entering values for the Is Within Set text operator, press Enter between each value. An entire list cannot be entered all at once and lists cannot be pasted in the field.

Operator Description
  • Evaluates that a contact column value equals a numeric value.
  • Requires: numeric value
  • Example: Area code equals 46074
    • Would match: 46074
Is Greater Than
  • Evaluates that a contact column value is greater than a numeric value.
  • Requires: numeric value
  • Example: MoneyOwed is greater than 500
    • Would match: 501
    • Would not match: 500
Is Less Than
  • Evaluates that a contact column value is less than a numeric value.
  • Requires: numeric value
  • Example: MoneyOwed is less than 500
    • Would match: 499
    • Would not match: 500
Is Greater Than or Equal to
  • Evaluates that a contact column value is greater than or equal to a numeric value.
  • Requires: numeric value
  • Example: MoneyOwed is greater than or equal to 500
    • Would match: 500, 501
    • Would not match: 499
Is Less Than or Equal to
  • Evaluates that a contact column value is less than or equal to a numeric value.
  • Requires: numeric value
  • Example: MoneyOwed is less than or equal to 500
    • Would match: 500, 499
    • Would not match: 501
Is Within Range
  • Evaluates that a contact column value is within a numeric range.
  • Requires: minimum numeric value, maximum numeric value
  • Minimum must be less than the maximum
  • The minimum and maximum values can be included or not included
  • Example: MoneyOwed is between 500-5000 not including 5000.
    • Would match: 500, 700, 1000, 4999
    • Would not match: 5000, 10000
Is Within Set
  • Evaluates that a contact column value matches one of a list of numeric values.
  • Requires: list of numeric values
  • Example: ZipCode is 46074, 61550, 76483, 93838
    • Would match: 46074, 61550, 76483, 93838

Operator Description
Is Earlier Than
  • Evaluates that a contact column value is earlier than a given time.
  • Requires: Period value or ISO 8601 format date value 
  • Example: LastContactTime is earlier than 2 days in the past. (We want to contact customers we haven’t heard from in the last 2 days)
    • Would match: Any time more than 2 days ago.
Is Later Than
  • Evaluates that a contact column value is later than a given time.
  • Requires: Period value or ISO 8601 format date value
  • Example: PaymentDueDate is later than 2 days in the future. (We want to collect payment from everyone who has something due at least 2 days in the future)
    • Would match: Any time later than 2 days in the future.