Series: Create queues

Add members to the queue

Add selected users

  1. Click the Members tab.
  2. To add a member to the queue, click Add User.
  3. To search for users by a filter other than text, click the Text list and select from one of these filters:
    • Division
    • Group
    • Language
    • Location
    • Reports To
    • Skill
  4. In the Enter a value box, begin typing the name of the contact.
  5. Select the appropriate match from the results.
  6. To add members to the queue, click Add Selected.
  7. To remove a member from the queue, under Action, click X next to the member's name and then click Confirm.
  8. Repeat steps 2–7 to add more members to the queue. 

You can add one user at a time to a queue or you can add a work team to a queue. You cannot do both.

Note: If you change from adding users to a queue to adding a work team, the previously selected users are removed.

Add a group, skill group, or work team

  1. Click the Members tab.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. To add a group to the queue, click Add Group.
  4. Select to search for one of these group types:
    • Groups only
    • Skill groups only
    • Work teams only
  5. In the Enter a name box, begin typing the first few letters of the group.
  6. Select the appropriate match from the results.
  7. To add the group or groups to the queue, click Add Selected.
  8. To remove a group from the queue, under Action click X next to the member's name and then click Confirm.
  9. Repeat steps 2–6 to add more groups to the queue.

Note: You can select and add up to 100 individual users at a time. To add more than 100 users, you must repeat the action until all required users are added. However, you could add any number of agents to a group at a time and subsequently add the group as a member. You cannot remove users individually when you add them to queues as part of a group.

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