Add a flow milestone
Administrators and contact center managers use flow milestones and outcomes to gather data about self-service success. Milestones are points in a flow that track the completion of significant events or tasks in a process, such as first response or case resolution times. This feature enables you to provide your customers with a consistent support experience and helps determine how well Architect flows service the customer interaction.
For example, if a customer tries to make a payment three times and only succeeds on the third attempt, then flow outcomes reporting sees this as an overall successful outcome and reports it as such, whereas milestones reporting tells you that that multiple payment attempts occurred (assuming that you add milestones to the payment process.
With flow milestones, you can obtain valuable information:
- The total number of interactions that start a self-service operation.
- The number and percentage of interactions that fail the self-service operation.
- The number and percentage of interactions that successfully complete the self-service operation.
- The length of time successful interactions spend in the self-service operation.
Use flow milestones with Architect’s Add Flow Milestone action to determine whether customers successfully complete the self-service operation.
Flow outcome and flow milestone limits
An organization can include up to 1,000 flow milestones. You can edit the name and description, and you can delete a flow milestone. An organization can include up to 100 flow outcomes. You can edit the name and description of a flow outcome, but you cannot delete it. Because of these limitations, best practice recommends that you carefully consider flow outcome use before you create them.
In Architect flows, only the last 20 milestones per outcome and the last 100 milestones per flow is reported in analytics.
To add a flow milestone, follow these steps:
- Click Admin.
- Under Architect, click Flow Milestones.
- Click Add.
- Type a descriptive name for the milestone. For example, Check Balance.
- (Optional) Add a more detailed description of the milestone.
- Click Save.