About the data actions integrations

Note: This article applies to the AWS Lambda, Function, Genesys Cloud, Google, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, web services, and Zendesk data actions integrations.

The data actions integrations allow you to gather data using external systems and tools and then perform actions in Genesys Cloud applications. With static or custom actions, the integrations can act on data in third-party systems, invoke AWS Lambda functions, call the Genesys Cloud Platform API, or interface with JSON-based web services. Then you can use this data to make routing decisions within your interaction flow in Architect, to present information to your agents in Scripts, or to act on data in other ways.

AWS Lambda functions

You can use data actions with your AWS account.

Genesys Cloud

You can use data actions with the Genesys Cloud Platform API.

Third-party systems

You can use data actions with Google, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, or Zendesk.

Web services

You can use data actions with your JSON-based web service.