Edit a time-off request

You can edit individual approved, denied, canceled, or pending time-off requests in the time-off requests page. Each link in the Agent column represents an agent.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Workforce Management, click time-off Requests.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the Management Unit list and then click the management unit.
  4. (Optional) To change the time zone for viewing data, in the upper right corner, select the current time zone list.
    Note: By default, the view uses the business unit’s time zone.
  5. Use the filter and sort options to locate the time-off request to edit.
  6. Click the name of the agent whose request that you want to edit.
  7. To change the status of the time-off request, in the Status list, click the status.
  8. To change the activity code of the time-off request, click the Activity Code list and then click the activity code.
  9. In the Counts as Paid Time field, indicate whether the time-off request is for paid or unpaid time off.
  10. In the Type field, select whether the request is full day or partial day.
    Note: The Payable Time link on the right corner of the dates section displays the payable time details when you add dates. If the activity code selected for the time-off request is linked to the HRIS integration, the agent’s balance for that activity is displayed for the supervisor in the HRIS integration section. This detail is displayed only for a single agent and dates are selected. If an activity code is not linked to the HRIS system, or multiple agents are added for the time-off requests, or the agent is misconfigured, then the HRIS balance details are not displayed. 
  11. In the Dates section, click Add Dates. The Add Dates dialog box appears.
  12. Select the applicable dates.
  13. In the Length section, enter the length of the time-off request per day in the Hours and Minutes fields. The time-off length or start and end time can either be added when choosing the date or after selection of dates. 
    Note: The minimum hours and minutes agents can request are based on the limits that the admin set for the selected dates.
  14. In the Payable time field, click the link to update the payable time.
    1. For a full day time-off request, click the link to choose the payable time (Same as length or No payable time). 
    2. For a partial day time-off request, click the link and enter the required payable time.
      Note: Payable time for partial day time-off request must be within the start and end duration).
  15. For partial day requests, in the Start Time and End Time boxes, select the time frame for which the time off begins and ends, per day.
  16. Click Add Dates. The Determine length automatically field is displayed only for full day time-off requests. This field is checked by default. You can uncheck this field and select the dates manually as well. When the field is not selected, the system calculates the duration the agent enters.
    Note: Double-click to select individual dates and single-clicks on the interval of dates to select consecutive dates.
  17. To change a note regarding the time-off request, in the Notes box, edit the note.
  18. Click Save
    Note: When you edit a time-off request and when you change the activity code, count as paid time is changed, switch between full day and partial day options, or change the start or end date in a partial time-off request, the system prompts to re-estimate the payable time by clicking Re-estimate Now. Estimation helps in correcting the requested time and payable time to the most accurate values considering factors like scheduled shifts and the chosen time-off activity code.