Agent utilization FAQs

The voice maximum capacity is set to 2. What happens when an agent is on a call and a second call comes in?

Setting the voice maximum capacity higher than one is not a best practice, but is a requirement for some organizations. In that scenario, if an agent is already on a call and another call comes in, then the agent receives a pop notification alert and has time to notify the first caller that they must hold. When the agent answers the second call, Genesys Cloud automatically puts the first call on hold.

What happens when I check the Count non-ACD calls in utilization capacity check box?

If you check the Count non-ACD calls in utilization capacity check box, Genesys Cloud factors in the internal calls between agents for calculation of agent capacity. Therefore, if the voice capacity is set to one call, and an agent is on a non-ACD call, Genesys Cloud does not route the incoming ACD call to the agent as the capacity has been reached. However, if the voice capacity is set to two, the ACD call can still interrupt the non-ACD call. For more information, see Block calls when on a non-ACD call (excludes transfers).

When configuring utilization, what is the maximum capacity for each interaction type?

The maximum capacity for each interaction type is 25.

What happens when an agent is on a chat and a call comes in?

Suppose that you configure utilization to allow voice interactions to interrupt chats. If an agent is handling one or more chats and receives a call, then the agent receives an alert. When the agent answers the call, the chats remain active, and for the purposes of analytics, the “hold” time counts toward handle time calculations. The caller and agent can continue to send chat messages even while the agent is on the call. 

Is an ACD-routed callback evaluated like a regular callback?

Yes. The Callback utilization setting applies to all callbacks, including ACD-routed callbacks. The maximum number of concurrent callback interactions is the value set for Callback on the Contact Center > Utilization page. However, agents participating in campaigns will receive 1 preview per campaign, regardless of that setting.

If agents are currently on a call, how are they notified of subsequent calls?

When an agent is on a call, subsequent calls do not audibly alert–notifications pop in the client. If unanswered, these calls set the agent to “not responding”. Agents should watch for popped notifications and, if they miss a call, should toggle back on-queue.

Why do my agents continue to receive incoming calls even though they are on a scheduled callback?

Because calls and callbacks are both considered to be call interactions, we recommend that you do not configure utilization to allow these media types to interrupt each other. This configuration can cause longer than anticipated wait times for customers who choose a callback. By default, the system is set to not allow calls and callbacks to override each other.

When a caller schedules a callback within the call route, the callback holds the caller’s place in queue. If new calls can move ahead of callbacks, the system will not hold the callback customer’s position in queue. This situation can cause less than desirable behavior; for example, if the caller’s estimated wait time is 30 minutes and they take the callback option, but do not receive a return call for longer than 30 minutes.