Record a voicemail greeting
Use your phone to record and set up a custom voicemail greeting.
- Press 86 or press the Messages or Voicemail button on your selected phone to go to your voicemail inbox.Note: To reach your voicemail from a selected remote phone in Genesys Cloud, from the Dialpad, enter 86. and then click Call .
- If you are not logged on to Genesys Cloud, enter your extension and voicemail PIN.
- Say “Options” or press 3.Note: If you have new voicemail messages, Genesys Cloud automatically prompts you to review them. To go to Options when you have new voicemail messages, press 3 when the attendant starts to review the first new message.
- Say “Greetings” or press 2.
- Say “Record greeting” or press 2.
- Record your greeting.
- Press # when you have finished recording your greeting.Note: The maximum recording length for voicemail greetings and name prompts is 60 seconds.
- To complete your voicemail greeting recording, choose one of the following options:
- To save your recording, say “Save prompt” or press 1.
- To listen to your recording, say “Review” or press 2.
- To record again, say “Rerecord” or press 3.
- To leave the menu without saving your recording, say “Cancel” or press 4.